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Doufu, Rice Wine, and面饼 Supporting the Connections between Precision and Cultural Knowledge in Cooking Danli Luo, Daniela Rosner, Nadya Peek


The digital codification and measurement of food preparation has made strong contributions to HCI food research, whether through ingredient manipulation, workflow management, or recipe interaction. But prior work has shown that technical developments that emphasize precise gourmet practices tend to overlook the importance of cultural knowledge. Drawing on an integrative autobiographical design approach, we describe an open-source hardware toolkit that we developed to examine the process of integrating precision techniques with ritual cooking practices across three recipes: flour skin, rice wine, and doufu. Our work points to the importance of understanding precision as a cultural process with roots in personal and familial experience. We end with a reflection on the particular knowledge-forms that come from cultivating cultural relationships to fabrication processes and their implications for reading digital fabrication processes as meaningfully relational.


  title={Doufu, Rice Wine, and 面饼: Supporting the Connections between Precision and Cultural Knowledge in Cooking},
  author={Luo, Danli and Rosner, Daniela and Peek, Nadya},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},