REHEARSAL: Thursday, June 11, 1:00 p.m., Husky Stadium, Touchdown Terrace

CHECK-IN AND BRUNCH: Saturday, June 13, 11:00 a.m., Husky Stadium, Touchdown Terrace

COMMENCEMENT:  Saturday, June 13, Husky Stadium. Marshals should be in place by 12:30 p.m.


Please read your instructions carefully (linked below) and please attend the rehearsal. We suggest that you print your instructions and bring them with you to the rehearsal and on Commencement Day. Each marshal group will have a team captain who will be available at the rehearsal and on Commencement Day to answer questions regarding these instructions.

Lining Up: Seating marshals will line up just in front of the faculty. (See the Marshal Lineup Chart NE below.) Please be in line (north lineup area on the Outdoor Practice Field) by 1:00 p.m.

Special Note - Procession: Seating marshals will process in two lines with the other faculty at the beginning of the ceremony, following the line of march shown on the Faculty Lineup Chart NE linked below. This year, for the first time, all four lines will be stanchioned from the beginning of the procession to the west end of the field and around the corner. During the procession you will take one of the two stanchioned middle lines. Process to the west end of the stadium, turn and continue to the center aisle, and then walk down the center aisle to your position in front of the stage.

Lining Up: Seating marshals will line up just in front of the faculty. (See the Marshal Lineup Chart NE.) Please be in line (north lineup area on the Outdoor Practice Field) by 1:00 p.m.

Special Note - Procession: Seating marshals will process with the other faculty at the beginning of the ceremony, following the line of march shown on the Faculty Lineup Chart NE linked below. For the first time, all four lines will be stanchioned from the beginning of the procession to the west end of the field and around the corner. Use the two middle lines during the procession. You will process to the west end of the stadium, go to the center aisle, and then walk down the center aisle to your position in front of the stage.

On Commencement Day, all marshals need to check in at the Touchdown Terrace, which is located at the east end of Husky Stadium. You can get there via the northeast or southeast access roads (see the Location Map). Enter under the sign that says "Faculty/Disabled Student Entrance."

If you have any additional questions please contact our office.

The following items will be mailed to you:
  • Parking Pass (if requested)
  • Guest Tickets (if requested

To do on Commencement Day:

  • Wear your academic apparel or change in the Touchdown Terrace.
  • Bring ID for gaining entrance to the stadium or lining up areas.
  • Commencement Marshals are requested to check in at the Touchdown Terrace at Husky Stadium beginning at 11:00 a.m. but no later than 12:00 p.m. This will give us time to find replacements in the event of an emergency. A brunch will be served. Office of Ceremonies staff will remain on site during the ceremony and for 30 minutes following the conclusion of the ceremony.
  •  Following the brunch, go to your line up area position.
Further information on ceremony procedures, parking, guest tickets, and apparel can be found on the faculty page.