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A material that is a combination of two materials that have completely different characteristics.  Each material makes up for the deficiency of the other.


The first of the combination of materials that make up a composite is in the form of a fiber.  The fiber is strong in tension, but too floppy to stand up to being compressed.  The other material of the combination of materials that make up a composite is the matrix.  The matrix holds the fibers together and gives the composite its shape.  The matrix is weak and brittle, but has some flexibility.  If a crack forms in the matrix, it will get diverted around the fibers.  This reduces the stress that is causing the crack and the crack will stop.


One example of a group of composites is the carbon fiber composites (CMC).  CMC's are a popular material used in sports equipment such as tennis racquets, bicycle frames, and golf clubs.  CMC's are made by placing a strong carbon fiber in a tough plastic matrix.  This results in a very stiff, but extremely light weight material, which is needed for optimal equipment (stiff) and user (lightweight) performance of sports equipment.