Gordon Research Conference Innovations in College Teaching of Materials Science



Q & A


Gordon site


Dr. Stoebe



Final Program

[ Posters List ]

Sunday, July 26, 7:30 - 9:30 PM:
Session 1
Addressing The Challenge

Introduction by Conference Chairs:
A Challenge for the 21st Century
Tom Stoebe
and Tom Pearsall, University of Washington


  • Discussion Leader: Dr. Slade Cargill, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
  • Arthur Ellis, U. of Wisconsin and George Lisensky, Beloit College
    The Chemistry Model
  • James C. Williams, General Electric Aircraft Engines
    An Industrial Perspective
  • Phillip Ball, Nature Magazine
    Materials Made to Measure

Reception follows

Monday 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM: Session 2 Innovations in Materials Education I

  • Discussion leader: Dr. Ronald Gibala, Michigan
  • Rustum Roy, Penn State University
    Materials Science: the Real Science
  • Charles McMahon, University of Pennsylvania
    The use of multimedia methods in teaching introductory materials science at Penn, 1995-1998
  • Steve Yalisov, University of Michigan
    Using Technology To Enhance The Classroom Experience: The Web, Classtalk, and The Dynamic Textbook.

    BREAK -- Group Photo

  • Discussion leader: Kevin Trumble, Purdue
  • Kristen Constant, Iowa State University
    Materials Processing - A Multimedia Approach to Addressing Diverse Learning Styles
  • Emily Allen, San Jose State University
    Engaging the Engineering Student through Cooperative Learning

Monday 4:30 - 6 PM Posters

Coordinator:Tom Pearsall, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Poster session -- poster papers to be invited from the conference participants

Monday 7:30 - 9:30 PM:
Session 3
Innovations in Materials Education II

  • Discussion leader: Gerald Liedl, Purdue
  • Blair London, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
    MSE Undergraduate Education: Perspectives from Those who Do
  • Jeff Rickman, Lehigh
    Computational Methods in Materials Science: A Course for Lehigh Sophomores


  • Interactive workshops: small sessions on specific innovative topics, available on a round-robin basis

    • John Russand John Hren, North Carolina State Univeristy
      Using Multimedia graphics to supplement and/or present an introductory materials science course
    • Marc deGraef, Carnegie Mellon University
      Interactive Crystallography Modules for Undergraduate Materials Education
    • Jed Lyons, University of South Carolina (Gateway Coalition)
      Inter-institutional cooperation in developing materials education modules: the NSF Gateway Coalition

Tuesday 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM:
Session 4
Solutions and Approaches

  • Discussion leader: Jim Jacobs, Norfolk State University
  • Matthew Hsu, Northwestern University
    Hands-on approaches (Materials World Modules)
  • Tim Weihs, Johns Hopkins University
    The development of a database for a classroom demonstration


  • Panel Discussion: Solutions and Approaches
    • John Hren, N.C. State
    • D.H. Matthiesen, Case Western Reserve
    • Linda Vanasupa, Cal Poly
    • Rolf Hummell, Florida
    • Peggie Weeks, Moderator
Panel will pose a set of questions to the participants; participants will discuss in small groups and will report on Wed. AM. Each participant should have received their specific question already; if not, please get your assignment at the registration desk. The full set of questions is attached.
Tuesday 4:30 - 6 PM Posters

Poster session -- second day for review of posters

Tuesday, 7:30 - 9:30PM:
Session 5
Opportunities for the Future I

  • Discussion leader: John Baglin, IBM Almaden
  • Peter Goodhew, University of Liverpool
    Involving Academic Staff in the Production and Use of Software
  • Carmen Huber, National Science Foundation
    Opportunities for a National Strategy
  • Caroline Baillie
    Fostering Creative Thinking in Materials Science

Wednesday 9:00 AM- 12:30 PM:
Session 6
Opportunities for the Future II

  • Panel Discussion: Representatives to report on the team discussion questions
    Moderator: Emilly Allen, San Jose State University
    Task Group assignments for future work and planning
  • Business Meeting: future meeting plans and leadership
    Thomas Stoebe, University of Whashington
  • Wrapup Panel: Summation and Charge for the Future
    Gerald Liedl, Purdue University
    Task Group assignments for future work and planning

Poster List

  1. A Web-based Dynamic Textbook for Materials Education
    Darcy Clark, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  2. Educational Java Applets in Solid State Materials
    C. R. Wie, SUNY Buffalo, NY
  3. Engineering Materials Systems Course at Colorado School of Mines
    Chester van Tyne, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
  4. Software to Support Undergraduate Materials Courses
    Peter Goodhew, University of Liverpool, UK
  5. Using Software to Expose Materials Science in Schools
    Peter Goodhew, University of Liverpool, UK
  6. Computational Chemistry in a Materials Science Course
    John R. Wilkes, USAF Academy, CO
  7. Standard Experiments in Engineering, Materials Science and Technology
    Jim Jacobs, Norfolk State University, Norfolk, VA
  8. Cutting Edge Research Problems to Engage Students in Chemistry AND Materials
    Mary Jane Shultz, Tufts University, Medford, MA
  9. Materials Synthesis, Processing and Characterization Laboratory Course
    Carmela Amato-Wierda, U. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
  10. Technology Innovation in Materials Science Lab Courses
    James E. Wittig, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
  11. Stretched to the Limit
    Edwin DeMont, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, N.S., Canada
  12. Combining Active Learning Methods with a Dynamic Textbook
    Darcy Clark and Steven M. Yalisove, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
  13. Tools for Teaching materials Science to Engineering Students
    Barrie S. H. Royce, Princeton University, NJ
  14. Introducing Chemistry for Engineering Major Undergraduates through a Materials Science Approach: Challenges and Opportunities
    Pradeep Phule, U. of Pittsburgh, PA
  15. Integrating Materials Science into the Chemistry Curriculum
    Arthur Ellis, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
    George Lisensky, Beloit College,
  16. Materials Science Technology: Hands-on Learning for Pre-Engineers
    Merrill Rudes, Energy Concepts, Inc., Lincolnshire, IL

[ TOP ]

	Dr. Tom Stoebe

	Materials Science & Engineering
	University of Washington
	Box 352120, Seattle, WA  98195-2120
