April 25, 2018



High Priority | Academics | Upcoming Events | General Announcements | MBAA


A Message from Kara

The message this week comes from Katie Durham your outgoing VP of Community Outreach and your current EVP of Operations:





Thank you to everyone who donated their time and their money to Foster C4C this year. This year the Foster community raised more money and volunteered more hours than ever before! 


We raised a total of $156,000 for Special Olympics of Washington and the Boys & Girls Club. Over $60,000 of that came from Evening student donations and the events we put on as a program, amazing work everyone! Our full-time colleagues volunteered 4,050 hours for Special Olympics of Washington, the Boys & Girls Club, and other local charities - over 400 more hours than last year!

This year we are dedicating this donation to Kathy DeWenter who helped bring C4C to Foster and continued to support C4C for almost 30 years. 


We finished third place in Sports, higher than we have ever placed at C4C! Special thanks to all of our team captains that stepped up to make this happen. Great job and thank you to all of our athletes!  Special recognition to the following teams:

Gold Medals:
Wen Lee and Sisi Zhou – Doubles Table Tennis
Kelsey Mitchell and Taylor Nordby – Bocce Ball

Silver Medals:
Women’s Volleyball
Co-ed Softball
Co-ed Football
Ultimate Frisbee
Men’s Basketball
Wen Lee – Singles Table Tennis
Ankit Agarwal – Singles Table Tennis
Jessica Raasch – Spelling Bee
Nick Oliver and Travis Boyd – 5K

We are so proud of all the hard work and generosity resulting from our community's C4C efforts.  This could not have been done without your time, donations, and dedication to making our community awesome. THANK YOU!  

A special thank you also to the Evening C4C Board for all their dedication and hard work:
Emily Garrett, Stephanie Graves, Emily Engel, Joe Nekrasz, Lindsay O'Connell, Katie Durham, as well as our full-time colleagues  on the C4C Board.


We hope everyone is looking forward to Sports Weekend 2019 as much as we are! I am pleased to leave the Evening C4C board in the very capable hands of Stephanie Graves, Emily Engel and Jackson Taylor. I know that you will continue to build the Foster spirit and represent C4C well!



Class of 2018:


□ Photos are desperately needed for the Graduation Ceremony! These pictures will play on a slide show loop for your guests to see as they are getting seated in Meany Hall, so choose ones that represent Foster well. Submit pictures here.


Class of 2019:


□ Get ready for Autumn 2018 Elective Pre-Registration Bidding! Bidding opens for your class on Tuesday, May 1 at 8am and closes on Sunday, May 6 at 10pm. Results will be released on May 11 and additional registration requests will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis by emailing mbaregis@uw.edu on May 14 at 8am. The Autumn Course Schematic is posted, and the 2018 – 2019 Year at a Glance was emailed on Monday, 4/16. The Global Business Forum themes have been updated as well, and you received an email about bidding from Kara on 4/24.


Class of 2020:


□ The Peer Mentor Application is open and the deadline has been extended! Get your applications in by Tuesday, May 1 at 11:59pm! Consider giving back, helping out, and joining the Peer Mentors as we prepare to welcome the incoming Class of 2021. Reach out with questions as I am happy to further discuss the program.


Academic Announcements


Second Half Only Elective Courses for Spring 2018 Quarter
If you are enrolled in a second half of the quarter only course, please refer to the list below for the specific start date for each course. If you need to drop one of these courses, please send your request to mbaregis@uw.edu as soon as possible but no later than the specific deadline outlined below to avoid late fees and tuition forfeiture penalties.

  • Drop deadline: April 29th at 11:59pm
    • MGMT 548 C/D: Deal-Making in High Velocity Ventures - begins April 23rd
  • Drop deadline: May 6th at 11:59pm
    • BCMU 579 C/D: TED Talks - begins May 1st
    • MGMT 509 C/D: Managing in a Global Environment - begins May 3rd
    • MGMT 548 A/B: Deal-Making in High Velocity Ventures - begins May 2nd
    • MKTG 579 A/B: Consultative Selling - begins May 2nd

Graduation Information

  • You must file to graduate if you are completing your degree this Spring 2018 quarter. The application is open now and closes on June 1, but there is no reason to wait! 
  • Academic attire (cap and gown) is required for the Graduation Ceremony. You may either purchase your attire via the University website or from a Foster Alumni. If you elect to obtain your attire through an alum, please notify Jenny Forbes in the MBA Program Office.

Graduation Agenda - Saturday, June 9:

  • The UW Graduation Ceremony will run from 1:30 – 4:30pm at Husky Stadium (doors open at 12:30pm). Tickets required for both students and guests. Sign-up for tickets from May 2 – 20 via the UW Ceremony website. Most MBAs skip this ceremony; however, the choice is yours. 
  • The Foster Graduation Reception will be from 4 – 6pm in Paccar Hall. The reception will include hosted food and drink service. Heavy appetizers and 2 drink tickets. No entrance tickets needed and all are welcomed. Most MBAs attend this event.   
  • The Foster Graduation Ceremony runs from 7 – 9pm at Meany Hall on the UW campus (students MUST arrive by 6pm and doors open for guests at 6:15pm). Guests must have tickets. See below for more info on tickets. This is the Foster graduation and almost all MBAs will attend.

The Summer 2018 Quarter Electives are Finalized!
To request Summer courses email mbaregis@uw.edu. Registration requests will be handled on a first come-first served basis. Do not delay! Seats are filling up quickly.

Class Canvas Pages: EVEMBA2018, EVEMBA2019, EVEMBA2020

Keep reading for important dates and events!

Upcoming Events

  • TG, Friday, April 27, 6 - 10pm at Paccar
  • Peer Mentor Workshop #5: Innovation Challenges and External Case Competitions, Monday, April 30, 5 – 6pm in PCAR 393. RSVP Here.
  • Coffee Break, Monday, April 30, 7:35 – 7:55pm in Anthony’s Forum
  • Career Management Workshop, Changing Careers as a Working Professional, Wednesday, May 2, 5 - 5:50pm in Paccar 393. RSVP on Foster Jobs
  • Evening MBAA & Alumni Event at the UW Men & Women’s spring rowing race, Saturday, May 5 from 9:30am – 12:00pm, Montlake Cut (UW Campus side), race info: http://windermerecup.withwre.com/
  • Pizza Dinner, Monday, May 14, 5 -6pm in Anthony’s Forum
  • Career Management Workshop, LinkedIn Tips and Strategies for your Career and Job Search, Wednesday, May 16, 5 - 5:50pm in Paccar 393. RSVP on Foster Jobs
  • Coffee Break, Wednesday, May 23, 7:35 – 7:55pm in Anthony’s Forum



Updates from the Global Business Center:
Fill out the 2018-2019 Global Study Tours Survey
Continuing students (classes of 2019 and 2020): Please help us in our planning process by completing this quick and easy survey. The Global Business Center values current student input in planning trips!
Survey: https://bit.ly/2Hj8a5a


Global Business Certificate
Class of 2018: keep your eye on your email for information about the Global Business Certificate and finalizing your receipt of that!



Spring quarter ends on June 8
Graduation is on June 9
Summer quarter starts on June 18 and ends on August 17 (A-term starts on June 18 and ends on July 18 and B-term starts on July 19 and ends on August 17)


Class of 2018:

Class of 2019:

  • Spring quarter core class make-up session for the Monday night section of BECON 501: Global Economics is on Friday, May 25. Grab-N-Go dinner will be served.

Class of 2020:

  • Requests for Autumn 2018 Quarter elective classes will be accepted from your class on Monday, May 21 at 8am by emailing mbaregis@uw.edu. Requests prior to this date and time will be discarded.
  • Spring quarter core class make-up session for Managerial Accounting and Marketing will be on Friday, June 1, 2018. Grab-N-Go dinner will be served. 
  • 2nd Year Case Competition is from Friday, September 7 to Saturday, September 15. The 7th from noon to 6:30pm and the 15th all day are mandatory. The days in between are self-directed preparation, however, to fully support your team it is recommended you are available.    


See the entire MBA Current Student Events calendar, the Career Management Calendar, the Evening MBAA Calendar, and the Full-time MBAA and Club Calendar.



Get your dancing shoes on!
It's time for another time honored Foster tradition: a celebration of our diverse student body and a Bollywood themed dance at this Friday's International Themed TG! There will be many different types of food, drink, inflatable entertainment and everyone's favorite: the photo booth. Please sign up to volunteer for a shift!

Attire: The theme of the TG is "International". Which means that students and guests should wear something reflective of where they are from or even simply a place they visited that deeply impacted them.

TG Details:
When: Friday 4/27 @ 6-10pm
Where: Orin's, PACCAR Hall (Deloitte Commons reserved for the kid's room)
Who: MBAA members (free) and guests ($10)

RSVP: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/jduong19/353520
Volunteer: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QjHLjbm-USUU3-n6exiiUC3UHT22Zm3nfKGiXjyj3_w/edit?usp=sharing

Mid-term Surveys
Please take the time to fill out the mid-term surveys which are due at noon on Sunday 4/29. This feedback will be collected, summarized, and shared with the professor. This process is conducted several weeks into each quarter, so that your core professors can take your feedback into consideration as they teach you through the last half of the quarter.

Please remember that your feedback is most effective when it is prescriptive and constructive. As a final note, feedback is confidential and your identity is not associated with your response.
Class of 2019
Professor Glassman – B ECON 501- https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/payne12/353972
Class of 2020
Professor Shaikh -ACCTG 501- https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/payne12/353970
Professor Jain – MKTG 501 - https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/payne12/353838

Friday May 4th from 8AM - 2PM in Douglas Forum in the Bank of America Building on UW Seattle campus

Taking the time to develop your own authentic leadership and learn what feels best for you will reap the most positive results. We wanted to create a leadership retreat that:
·       spoke to these issues
·       provided an open space for student leaders to genuinely connect with one another 
·       build their own authentic leadership voice and style

Our schedule will include guest speakers, leadership workshops, alumni panel, and ending with a happy hour. An exact schedule with time breakdowns will be released to attendees week of. 


We highly encourage all students to attend! Please feel free to reach out to Amy Franklin, Sandra Mumanachit, Jessica Raasch, and Michael Vint with any questions that you have.

The Evening MBAA will be hosting an Alumni Event during next Saturday’s Windermere Cup Regatta on the Montlake Cut!

We will be hosting a tent near the finish line so please stop by for coffee, breakfast, and some UW Swag! Family, friends, and pets are all welcome.

We will be set up on the northwest side of the Montlake Bridge just past the finish line (see below). Races begin at 10:00a and conclude at noon. Fans are welcome to stick around for the parade of yachts following the races.

What: UW Men & Women’s spring rowing race
When: Saturday, May 5  from 9:30am – 12:00pm
Where: Montlake Cut (UW Campus side)
Website: http://windermerecup.withwre.com/

*NOTE: The Montlake Bridge opens at noon for a 3 HOUR parade of boats celebrating the Opening Day of Boating Season.  Make sure you park on the same side of the bridge as where you are watching or you may be watching the parade for a long time!***



MBA Office Program
Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Staff Directory

Academic Advising
Kara Fichthorn
Email: karafich@uw.edu
Tel: 206-543-6027
Schedule an appointment

Student Website

Vote for Student of the Month

Team Rooms
Book a Team Room

Need Tech Help?
Email: pachelp@uw.edu
Tel: 206-685-8294

PACCAR Hall Building Manager

Orin's Place Hours
Mon-Thurs: 7:00am-8:00pm
Fri: 7:00am-4:00pm