February 7, 2018



High Priority | Academics | Upcoming Events | General Announcements | MBAA


A Message from Kara

All joking aside being on the MBA Association Board can provide you with tangible leadership experience, so consider running for a position! The application for the President, EVP of Communications, and EVP of Operations are open now until tomorrow, Thursday, February 8 at 9am.   

The application for the Executive VP of Finance is open now until February 14, and the other eight VP and Class Representative roles will open on February 14.

Reach out to me, Lauren Lyddon (MBAA EVP of Communications), or any other member of the MBAA with questions.


Kara Fichthorn

Director - Evening MBA Student Affairs


All Classes:
□ Last chance to fill out the diversity and inclusion survey. You are the largest Master’s degree program at Foster, be sure your voice is heard! Upon completing the survey, you will also be eligible to win 1 of 6, $100 prizes. 

Class of 2018:

□ Elective Bidding results available to students on February 9 at 8am. Request additional elective courses by emailing mbaregis@uw.edu on Monday, February 12 at 8am.

RSVP today for the Field Study Sponsor/Student Reception on Tuesday, February 27 from 6 – 7pm in Douglas Forum (4th Floor Bank of America Executive Education Building).

Class of 2019:

□ Elective Bidding results available to students on February 9 at 8am. Request additional elective courses by emailing mbaregis@uw.edu on Monday, February 12 at 8am.

RSVP today for the Field Study Sponsor/Student Reception on Tuesday, February 27 from 6 – 7pm in Douglas Forum (4th Floor Bank of America Executive Education Building).

Class of 2020:

□ Don’t forget your last session of eLEAD is on Sunday, March 25 in Anthony’s Forum (8:30am breakfast, 9am – 12:15pm Class Session, 12:15 – 1:15pm Lunch, 1:15 – 4:30pm Class Session). This is a mandatory class, and if you are late it will not be counted. Reach out to Kara if you have any known conflicts, and have not already been in touch.


Academic Announcements

Winter Quarter 2018 Registration Deadlines

  • Late drop period with use of annual drop, $20 fee and potential tuition forfeiture: 1/17 – 2/20
  • Last day to withdraw from all classes: 3/9

Class Canvas Pages: EVEMBA2018, EVEMBA2019, EVEMBA2020

Keep reading for important dates and events!

Upcoming Events

  • Career Management Workshop, Powerful Presentations, Wednesday, February 7, 5 – 5:50pm in PCAR 394. RSVP on Foster Jobs.
  • Evening MBA On-Campus Happy Hour, Wednesday, February 7, 9:30pm in PCCAR
  • MBAA Alumni Lecture: Amazon’s Impact on Seattle for current students and MBA alumni, Thursday, February 8, 5:30 – 8pm at the Intellectual House (UW Seattle Campus). Register here.
  • Career Management Workshop, Strategic Interviewing, Wednesday, February 21, 5 – 5:50pm in PCAR 394. RSVP on Foster Jobs.
  • Peer Mentor Workshop #2 (Class of 2020): Communication & Networking MBA Style, Monday, February 26 from 5 – 5:50pm in PCAR 394 presented by Kari DeGraff and Joel Graves. RSVP here.
  • Field Study Reception (Class of 2018 & 2019), Tuesday, February 27 from 6 – 7pm in Douglas Forum. Please use this link to RSVP for the reception.
  • Pizza Dinner, Wednesday, February 28, 5 – 6pm in Anthony’s Forum
  • Coffee Break, Monday, March 5, 7:35 – 7:55pm, Anthony’s Forum
  • Career Management Workshop, Day in the Life: Data Analytics, Wednesday, March 7, 5 – 5:50pm in PCAR 394. RSVP on Foster Jobs.


Class of 2018 & 2019- Field Study Sponsor/Student Reception Tuesday, February 27, 6 – 7pm in Douglas Forum

Field Study is the opportunity to consult on an MBA scoped project at a company vetted by Foster for academic credit. Companies will be invited to this career-fair style event to introduce their Field Study projects, and speak with prospective students. MBA students are encouraged to attend this event to learn more about the projects and make connections with the sponsoring companies. If you choose to move forward, you will form a team of 4-5 students and apply for the Field Study project(s) you are interested in (no more than 3 per team). If your team is selected, you will work on the project spring quarter, and you will earn 4-credits (BA578). You will be charged tuition accordingly. These projects are open to the class of 2018 & 2019.

Please use this link to RSVP for the reception. For more information please contact Jen Bauermeister.

Peer Mentor Workshop #2: Communication & Networking MBA Style, Monday, February 26 from 5 – 5:50pm in PCAR 394 presented by Kari DeGraff and Joel Graves

Your ability to effectively communicate with your teammates, classmates, and professors in a public forum, during class, or one-to-one is an essential topic worth reviewing. As the program progresses, you will be asked to share more of your ideas in class and to participate in classroom discussions. As time goes by, you should also be focused on expanding your network, and even setting up informational interviews. Get insights on participating effectively in classroom discussions, tips on networking, and best practices for informational interviews. Cookies, coffee and tea will be served. RSVP here.

2018 Target Product Localization Consulting Challenge

Are you excited about business? Local food and beverage products? Team case competitions? If so, consider signing up for this event as an individual (and we will place you on a team) or with a few classmates. Target is committed to working with suppliers that are local, diverse, and reflective of the economic makeup of region. With this in mind, eight small local businesses have been selected to act as potential suppliers to Target stores. These businesses will act as clients to the student teams who will work with the owner to create a pitch promoting the client as a supplier to Target. The student teams will present their pitch to a panel of judges. Each judges’ panel will be comprised of professionals from Target as well as other professionals from the Seattle business community and the small business owner. In the first round of the competition (9:00-11:30am), the student teams will compete against four other teams who have created a pitch for the same business owner.  The top team from each bracket/client will compete in the final round (12:30-2:30pm). There will be a professional networking lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm.  

Event Date: Friday, February 23 - teams present for 20-min during the event time window of 9:00am-2:30pm
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 14 by 12pm Noon
Cases Distributed: Thursday, February 15, 5:30-6:30pm in Paccar Hall 290
Teams: Each team will consist of three or four UW students. At least three of the four team members MUST be available for the presentation.
Awards: $500 per person on the winning graduate student team
Additional information: https://foster.uw.edu/centers/consulting-and-business-development-center/graduate-student-programs/
Contact: Keisha Jackson, lnjacks@uw.edu



The University will be closed for Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 19
Winter quarter ends on March 16, 2018
Spring quarter starts on March 26 and ends on June 8, 2018

Class of 2018:

Class of 2019:

  • Spring quarter core class make-up session for the Monday night section of BECON 501: Global Economics is on Friday, May 25, 2018. Grab-N-Go dinner will be served.

Class of 2020:

  • The last session of MGMT 510 is on March 25, 2018 8:30am – 4:30pm in Anthony’s Forum (breakfast 8:30 – 9am, lunch 12:15 – 1:15pm).
  • Spring quarter core class make-up session for Managerial Accounting and Marketing will be on Friday, June 1, 2018. Grab-N-Go dinner will be served. 
  • 2nd Year Case Competition is from Friday, September 7 to Saturday, September 15. The 7th from noon to 6:30pm and the 15th all day are mandatory. The days in between are self-directed preparation, however, to fully support your team it is recommended you are available.    

See the entire MBA Current Student Events calendar, the Career Management Calendar, the Evening MBAA Calendar, and the Full-time MBAA and Club Calendar.


You have until tomorrow morning to apply for the MBAA Executive Council! This is a great opportunity to enhance your and your classmates' MBA experience. Apply here (https://aprilma.typeform.com/to/NiIAA1) for President, Operations, and Communications, or here (https://aprilma.typeform.com/to/EjzW1S) for Finance! Contact Lauren Lyddon (llyddon@uw.edu) with any questions.  

Tonight, join us on the 2nd floor of Paccar after class for On-Campus Happy Hour to benefit C4C!

Keep the C4C spirit going on Saturday with the C4C Auction After Party on Saturday, February 10th after the C4C Auction!  Jules Maes in Georgetown has generously agreed to host us and contribute 15% of sales to C4C! 

Even if you're not going to the auction, please come out for this after party! It will be a great way to contribute to the cause, have some fun with your classmates, and relax after midterms! All are welcome!! 

More information can be found at the Facebook event page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1577016912379850/

General Announcements


Check out the entire Foster School Events Calendar.


Scholarship: The Judith M. Runstad Wells Fargo Washington Women’s Roundtable Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to one woman each year who is aiming to advance their career in technology, innovation, business, engineering, health, and/or real estate. You must be entering into or currently enrolled in an eligible graduate-level or continuing education program at the University of Washington and show a commitment to the community. The scholarship is awarded in the amount of $4,000-$6,500. This scholarship is now open – see details here. The deadline is February 12, 2018




MBA Office Program
Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Staff Directory

Academic Advising
Kara Fichthorn
Email: karafich@uw.edu
Tel: 206-543-6027
Schedule an appointment

Student Website

Vote for Student of the Month

Team Rooms
Book a Team Room

Need Tech Help?
Email: pachelp@uw.edu
Tel: 206-685-8294

PACCAR Hall Building Manager

Orin's Place Hours
Mon-Thurs: 7:00am-8:00pm
Fri: 7:00am-4:00pm