Patient Information

Depression affects women more than men and is as common during pregnancy and the postpartum as at other life stages.  Women on low incomes experience depression at twice the rate (20-25%) as middle- or upper-income women (9-12%).

pregnant woman

In addition to feeling down or sad, you may experience sleep problems, weight or appetite changes, lack of interest or pleasure in your usual activities, decrease in energy, aches and pains, feeling worthless, doubts about having the baby or being able to take care of the baby, or even harming yourself.

Depression is also a natural consequence of stressful life events, such as an unplanned pregnancy, lack of support from the baby’s father, conflict with a significant person in your social network, racial discrimination, intimate partner violence, and financial or housing problems. While these life events and significant challenges may certainly contribute to depression, it does not mean there is nothing you can do.  Depression is NOT your fault and there is something we can do about it!

MOMCare is an innovative new treatment approach that helps you reduce your depressive symptoms before and after the birth of your baby.  A research study has demonstrated that MOMCare is effective at reducing depression during pregnancy, preventing postpartum depression, and improving work and social functioning, especially for women on Medicaid with both major depression and PTSD.

Take the PHQ-9 Assessment.  If you score over 10, you may have depression that could be helped. Contact your health care provider about getting treatment. If you are experiencing intense thoughts of harming yourself, please go to a hospital emergency room for immediate assistance.

NOTE: This website provides information to both patients and providers about the MOMCare intervention. We do not provide direct patient care, nor do we necessarily have information about services in your area. Please contact your primary care provider, OB-GYN provider, or local mental health service agencies/providers for your care.

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