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All research involving human and animal subjects at the MR Research Laboratory must be conducted in accordance with the Lab's Policies on Human and Animal Subjects Research and must be approved by the Partners Human Research Committee (HRC) Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Subcommittee on Research Animal Care (SRAC), respectively.

All IRB proposals for work to be conducted at the MR Research Laboratory should be reviewed by Karen Dervin and signed by Bruce Rosen, the MR Research Laboratory Director (instead of Department Chair) prior to submission to the IRB.

All investigators, co-investigators and study staff listed on IRB protocols and personnel listed in any NIH grant must complete a Human-Subject Research Education training program and provide the MR Research Laboratory Administration (Mary Roy or Karen Dervin) with documentation of certification.

All Partners personnel have a mandatory HIPAA Education requirement (requires Martinos Center login). For more information regarding this and other HIPAA related issues, see the Partners HIPAA website.



Human Studies (IRB)

Animal Studies (SRAC)

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Last Modified: Monday, 22-Feb-2021 15:07:47 PST