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Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center

Starting New Research Project In The MR Research Lab

  1. To initiate a research project at DISC, investigators must complete following steps:
  2. Fill out a Project Application Form (PAF). All PAFs are reviewed, and approved by the DISC Committee based on:

    • Scientific merit
    • Feasibility of the research on existing equipment
    • Availability of equipment

    For new studies without an existing examcard 2 hours of developmental time is provided at no cost to the study. Taking advantage of DISC physicist, Chris Gatenby, is highly encouraged. Pilot time is not guaranteed. Approval is at the discretion of the DISC Director. If requesting pilot time, please fill out Pilot Time Funding Support, please check appropriate box under "Study Funding" section.

    Note that minimum scan time is 30 minutes. After that, charges are per 15 minute intervals. Technologist support is included

  3. Complete Basic Safety Training once PAF is approved. All personnel involved in running or monitoring the imaging study and seeking entry to DISC should complete this training.
  4. See here for user level requirements.
    The basic safety training includes:
    • Take Online Safety Training and pass the online test (Link)
    • Pass the online test
    • Fill out Medical Safety Form (download here).
    • Undergo in-person interview with Safety Officer, Chris Gatenby (Every Thursday 10:00 am - 11:00 am)
    • Take additional SUBJECT SCREENING training if you are a recruiter for a study
  5. Complete Operator Training if applicable
  6. For projects that will have their own scan operator, PI must send request for the person to obtain training, and become certified to operate scanner.
    • request operator training course with the Lab certified Tech by email to
    • complete operator hands-on training with certified Tech on site
  7. Sign up for Bioscribe (the Server for data storage and transfer of your imaging data)
  8. Instruction available here.
  9. For technical support, visit the DISC Support Center.


To learn more about conducting research at the MR Research Laboratory, contact:
Kenneth Maravilla, MD
, Lab Director, or Jeff Stevenson, Lab Manager

phone: (206) 685-0457

Last Modified: Sunday, 16-Aug-2020 09:42:59 PDT