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Diagnostic Imaging Sciences Center

MR System Safety and Operation Training Information

Everyone involved in running or monitoring an experiment at DISC is required to complete magnet safety training.

MR Lab safety training consists of three levels,

  1. Basic Safety Training (for all directly involved with MR study)
  2. Research Coordinator Training (for safety screening of research subjects)
  3. Scanner Operator Training (three types)
    a. Human scanning
    b. Animal scanning
    c. In vitro phantom study

The description of each training level is listed below. We have developed this system to ensure that each person has received the proper level of training to carry out their study in the MRI scanner.

The MR Lab reserves the right to refuse anyone permission to operate the magnet if there is a concern for Lab or personnel safety.

Description of Training Levels
III. MR Safety Online Training Course and Video
IV. Guidelines for Safe Operation and Conduct in the DISC MR Research Laboratory
V. MR Operation Certification Procedure in Human Subject Scanning

Description of Training Levels

1. Basic Safety: This is for personnel who are present during the scan and are available to get help or to assist in case of an emergency. This person does NOT assist with the set up of the subject in the scanner or run the scanner equipment (this includes stimulus equipment). With this SAFETY level, the person is allowed to sit in the scanning area for observation purposes ONLY under the supervision of a Certified Technologist.

Training requirements to obtain a BASIC SAFETY certificate include:

  • Step 1: Watch the safety videos and presentation here
  • Step 2: Take and pass the online test (passing score is 24 out of 24 (~5-10 minutes)
  • Step 3: Undergo in-person interview with Safety Officer, Chris Gatenby (Every Thursday 2 pm - 3pm)

2. Research Coordinator or Project Assistant Training: for personnel who are present during the scan session to assist with running or monitoring an experiment (but not including scanner operations). This training level allows the person to assist with the setup of the subject in the magnet room and run the stimulus equipment under the supervision of a Certified Technologist.

Training requirements to obtain a Research Coordinator certificate include:

  • Complete Basic Safety Training Step 1 to 3 as outlined above
  • Step 4: Project specific safety training and study discussion with the DISC Team. These will also include research subject screening methods if person will be involved with subject selection and screening

3. Certified Scanner Operator Training

To obtain operator training, research personnel must have completed steps 1-4 of the initial training and typically participates in at least 30 additional training scan sessions with a Certified Technologist. The Certified Technologist will observe you during a scan session with a real subject to confirm your qualification to become a "Certified Scanner Operator". Certification is project specific and cannot be generalized to any study. Note that adding projects may need a consultation and additional training. (See Evaluation and Certification Procedure for further details).

Center Record Keeping

The MR Research Lab will keep records of all investigators certified to observe or operate scanners in a database, including:
  • date safety video viewed
  • date training course completed and name of trainer
  • date of qualifying scan session

IV. Guidelines for Safe Operation and Conduct in the DISC MR Research Laboratory

V.MR Operation Certification Procedure in Human Subject Scanning

Last Modified: Monday, 15-Feb-2021 22:15:52 PST