

Option Network in Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME)  -  a NSF Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) Program (NSF  0938558)



NME Option Network: Management




NME Curriculum Committee

The NME Option Network is managed by the NME Curriculum Committee (NME-CC), with members from all participating departments. Committee meetings are called by the NME administrative department (Chemical Engineering). NME-CC responsibilities entail revisions of existing NME departmental curricula, approval of new departmental curricula, and modifications to the NME core program administered by the Department of Chemical Engineering (ChemE). Furthermore, NME-CC has to elect (yearly) from its members a coordinator for the seminar series (NME 221/321/421).

NME Core Course Administration

Currently the following NME core courses are administrated by ChemE: NME 220/221/321 and 421. ChemE’s responsibilities are room/scheduling of these courses through the UW Office of Registrar, and to provide the instructor for NME 220. It is the responsibility of NME-CC to run the seminar series (NME 221/321/421).

NME Participating Departments

Each participating department is responsible for its departmental NME Option program. This entails student advising, recruiting, room/scheduling of departmental mandatory and elective courses, and program/course peer reviewing. Currently, the following departments participate in the NME Network:



Student Advisors

Faculty Liaisons


K. Nochols

D. Ratner

Chemical Engineering

D. Drischell

R. Overney

Electrical Engineering

B. Larson

K. Böhringer

Mechanical Engineering

M. Segimoto

J. Chung

Material Science and Engineering

K. Elkins

M. Sarikaya and C. Luscombe

Other supporting departments that offer currently no NME Option programs are Physics (Faculty Liaison: M. Olmstead) and Chemistry (Faculty Liaison: P. Reid).




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