Grey Matters Journal Leadership Team Recruitment

Hello everyone!
Grey Matters Journal is looking for students to add to our leadership team! For those of you who don’t know, Grey Matters is an undergraduate neuroscience journal that publishes review articles written, edited, and illustrated by students. Our leadership team is comprised of writers, scientists, and neuroscience fans alike. As a member, you will work closely with other students in the production of the journal.
Short descriptions for the available positions are as follows, and we would be happy to provide you with more information if requested.
  • Editor-in-Chief: As the title suggests, this is the position with the most responsibility. The EIC is required to be extremely organized and able to tackle multiple projects at once. This position is involved in every aspect of the organization, including editing, planning, distribution, and other side projects.
    • To apply, please submit: a formal cover letter, 2 writing samples (preferably one technical and one non technical), and an editing sample (optional but preferred)
  • Editing Coordinator: The editing coordinator is the most editing-heavy position. This member needs to have a firm grasp of proper grammar and excellent editing skills. The EC will not only edit during production, but will also choose editors from editing applications and assign production groups.
    • To apply, please submit: a formal cover letter, 2 writing samples (preferably one technical and one non technical), and an editing sample (required)
  • Production Manager: The production manager will work directly with authors and editors to assist in the writing and editing processes. They will also need to be strong editors, and having a science background helps in this position. The PM will also take on extra tasks as needed.
    • To apply, please submit: a formal cover letter, 2 writing samples (preferably one technical and one non technical), and an editing sample (optional but preferred)
  • Marketing Director: The marketing director will be involved in distribution, social media, and marketing our annual event. Experience in marketing is desired, but anyone who is confident in their social media skills and can come to the table with original marketing ideas should apply.
    • To apply, please submit: a formal cover letter
  • Event Planner: The event planner will lead a committee in planning our annual event: An Evening With Neuroscience. This involves, fundraising, scheduling, marketing, finding panelists/guests, etc. The event takes place in early spring, so availability to plan in the winter is a must.
    • To apply, please submit: a formal cover letter
All positions will be required to attend weekly leadership meetings. The EIC, EC, and PM will also be required to attend weekly group production meetings on Thursdays at 6:30pm.
Please send applications (or questions if you have them) to by Monday, February 27th. You are welcome to apply for multiple positions.
Thank you,
Molly Lindstrom

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