Neurobiology Club Mentorship Program

Apply for a UW Neurobiology Club mentor/mentee position!

We are excited to start a new quarter and are seeking out new mentors and mentees to support upcoming Neuroscience or Biology students and expand our mentorship program! We are looking for reliable mentors and mentees who can ideally commit at least 4-5 hours per month! Mentors will work with mentees, either one-on-one or in group settings, to serve as a guide on their UW journey and introduce aspiring Neuroscience or Biology majors to campus resources or academic services in order to help them get into their major.

Our expectations of mentors and mentees will be to:

– Actively participate in mentorship and commit 1-2 hrs per week

– Reach out to and build a relationship with assigned pairing

– Attend at least 1 social or mixer event a quarter

– Be willing to share your own experience and UW journey, campus resources, and academic opportunities
Applications are due January 9th at 11:59 PST and can be accessed below:
Mentor Application:

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