Neurobiology Student Club Meeting Thursday, February 9th at 6:30pm in Denny Hall RM 259

Hello all,

Please join us this Thursday, February 9th at 6:30pm in Denny Hall RM 259 for our third Neurobiology Club meeting of the quarter!

We will be hosting Dr. John Neumaier for a short presentation on the Interaction of Serotonin Receptors and Cocaine.

Dr. Neumaier is a UW Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology and supervisor of the Neumaier Lab researching the complex emotional behaviors associated with addiction, learning, motivation and stress responses. He is also an attending psychiatrist at Harborview Medical Center and the Head of the Division of Psychiatric Neurosciences. For more information on the work he’s involved in, check out his blurb.

On another note, will also be having our first club social of the quarter next Thursday, February 16th in Denny room 259 at 6:30pm. Mark your calendar and bring your friends!

We hope to see you all there!


The Neurobiology Club Officer Board

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