Neurobiology Club recruitment

UW Neurobiology Club is currently recruiting mentors and mentees for the upcoming quarter! We are a multidisciplinary student group that aims to encourage interest in the field of neuroscience for students and the greater community, while bringing together those with a like interest in the field.

If you are interested in learning how to get into the Neuroscience or Biology major, or interested in mentoring others on how to do so, please apply for a UW Neurobiology Club mentor or mentee position using the forms below by Friday October 8th at 11:59 pm (PST)! If you are a returning mentee or mentor, you do not have to fill out the form again.

The primary goal of our Mentorship Program is to create an open and inclusive community in which we can further conversations about STEM, and connect first and second year students to mentors and resources to help them succeed in biology-related disciplines! Mentor pairings are meant to give students interested in careers in neuroscience or biology an opportunity to learn from your peers and upperclassmen, and foster a close friendship that encourages mutual learning and success. Mentor pairs commit to personal meetups ideally around twice a month, getting to know each other through casual social activities in addition to Neurobiology Club-organized events.

Apply to be a mentor here:

We are looking for reliable mentors, preferably sophomores, juniors, or seniors, who can ideally commit at least 4-5 hours per month! Mentors do not have to already be in their major! This is a great way for current juniors and seniors to gain valuable leadership and mentorship experience, while engaging and sharing your passion for STEM with prospective students in various majors. Mentors will work with students/mentees, either one-on-one or in group settings, to serve as a guide on their UW journey and introduce aspiring Neuroscience or Biology majors to campus resources or academic services in order to help them get into their major.

Apply to be a mentee here:

Aside from our Mentorship Program, we will be offering many other events and programs! Throughout the year, we plan on hosting panels, networking events, educational workshops, information sessions, socials, and other fun events. If you are interested in being a part of our community and learning more about what we do, you can also keep up with us on our Facebook or Instagram (@uwnbiomentorship).

If you have any other questions, please direct them to We look forward to hearing from you!

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