Patents and Patents Pending


1.      G. Fotouhi, C. Ogier, J.-H. Kim, S. Y. Kim, G. Cao, A. Shen, J. Kramlich, and J.-H. Chung, Low cost, disposable cable-shaped Al-air battery for portable biosensor, accepted to Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2016.

2.      S. Inoue, H.-B. Lee, A.L. Becker, K.M. Weigel, J.-H. Kim, K.-H. Lee, G.A. Cangelosi and J.-H. Chung, Dielectrophoretic characterization of antibiotic-treated Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex cells, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(25), 7673, 2015.

3.      M. Hiraiwa, J.H. Kim, S. Inoue, K.H. Lee, G. A. Cangelosi and J.H. Chung, “Amperometric Immuno-microtip sensor for point-of care diagnosis of tuberculosis, 25(5), 055013, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2015.

4.      C. T. Kim, J. H. Kim, J. H. Chung, H. G. Lee, and S. J. Jun, Single Walled Carbon Nanotube-Based Junction Biosensor for Detection of Escherichia coli, Plos One, 9(9), e105767,  2014.

  1. J. J. Cardiel, Y. Zhao, J-H Kim, J.H. Chung, and A. Q. Shen, Electro-conductive porous scaffold with single-walled carbon nanotubes in wormlike micellar networks, Carbon, 80, 203~212, 2014.
  2. J. J. Cardiel, Y. Zhao, L. Tonggu, L. Wang, J. H. Chung and A. Q. Shen, Flow-induced immobilization of glucose oxidase in nonionic micellar nanogels for glucose sensing, Lab on a Chip, 14, 3912~3916, 2014.
  3. G. Bao, Y. Bazilevs, J. H. Chung, P. Decuzzi, H. D. Espinosa, M. Ferrari, H. Gao, S. S. Hossain, T. J. R. Hughes, R. D. Kamm, W. K. Liu, A. Marsden, B. Schrefler, USNCTAM Perspectives on Mechanics in Medicine, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11(97):20140301, 2014.
  4. J.-H. Kim, S. Inoue, G. A. Cangelosi, K.-H. Lee, and J.-H Chung, Study of Specific Capture of Target Bacteria onto Sensor Surface for Disease Diagnosis, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, 045009, 2014.
  5. S. Inoue, Z. Shu, J.-H. Kim, M. Hiraiwa, A. Lakley, K. Weigel, S. Soelberg, C. Furlong, G. A. Cangelosi, A. Carins, H. B. Lee, K. Oh, K.-H. Lee, D. Gao, and J.-H. Chung, “Semi-Automated, Occupationally Safe Immunofluorescence Microtip Sensor for Rapid Detection of Mycobacterium Cells in Sputum”, Plos One, 2014, 9(1) e86018.
  6. J.H. Kim, A. Q. Shen, K.H. Lee, G. A. Cangelosi and J.H. Chung, Contact Angle Changes Induced by Immunocomplex Formation, Analyst, 2014, 139 (6), 1340 ~ 1344.
  7. S. N. Beesabathuni, J. G. Stockham, J.-H. Kim, H.-B. Lee, J.-H. Chung, A. Q. Shen, Fabrication of Conducting Polyaniline Microspheres using Droplet Microfluidics, RSC Adv., 2013, 3 (46), 24423 - 24429.
  8. W. Chen, J. H. Kim, D. Zhang, K. H. Lee, G. A. Cangelosi, S. D. Soelberg, C. E. Furlong, J. H. Chung, and A. Q. Shen, Microfluidic one-step synthesis of alginate microspheres immobilized with antibodies J. R. Soc. Interface 2013 10, 20130566, 2013.

13.  D. Kalyanasundaram, J.H. Kim, H.B. Lee, M. Hiraiwa, K.H. Lee and J.H. Chung, “Nanotips for single-step preparation of DNA for qPCR analysis”, Analyst, 2013, 138, 3135-3138.

14.  W.H. Yeo, H.B. Lee, J.H. Kim, K.H. Lee and J.H. Chung, “Dendritic nanotip for rapid detection of T7 phase viruses”, Nanotechnology, 24 185502, 2013.

15.  J.H. Kim, M. Hiraiwa, H.B. Lee, K.H. Lee, G. A. Cangelosi and J.H. Chung, “Electrolyte-free Amperometric Immunosensor using a Dendritic Nanotip”, RSC Advances, 3, 4281~4287, 2013.

  1. D. Kalyanasundaram, J.-H. Kim, W.-H. Yeo, K. Oh, K.-H. Lee, M. H. Kim, S. M. Ryew, S. G. Ahn, D. Gao, G. A. Cangelosi, and J.-H. Chung, “Rapid extraction and preservation of genomic DNA from human samples”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405(6):1977-83, 2013.
  2. K. W. Weigel, K. L Jones, J. S. Do, J. M. Witt, J. -H Chung, C. P. Valcke, G. A Cangelosi, “Molecular Viability Testing of Bacterial Pathogens in a Complex Human Sample Matrix”, Plos One, 8(1):e54886, 2013.
  3. W. H. Yeo, A. M. Kopacz, J. H. Kim, X. Chen, J. Wu, D. Gao, K.-H Lee, W. K Liu, and J. H Chung, Dielectrophoretic concentration of low-abundance nanoparticles using a nanostructured tip, Nanotechnology, 23, 485707, 2012.
  4. Z. Shu, S. D. Soelberg, K. M. Weigel, A. Lakey, G. A. Cangelosi, K-H Lee, J.-H Chung, and D. Gao, “Cryopreservation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Cells”, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 50(11), 3575-3580, 2012.
  5. A. Kopacz, W. H. Yeo, J. H. Chung, W. K. Liu, “Nanoscale Sensor Analysis using Immersed Molecular Electrokinetic Finite Element Method" Nanoscale, 4, 5189-5194. 2012.
  6. D. Brown, J.-H Kim, H.-B Lee, G. Fotouhi1, K. -H Lee, W. K. Liu, and J.-H. Chung “Review: Electric Field Guided Assembly of One-dimensional Nanostructures for High Performance Sensors”, Sensors, 12 (5), 5725-5751, 2012.
  7. D. Kalyanasundaram, S. Inoue, J.-H. Kim, H. B. Lee, Z. Kawanata, W.-H. Yeo,  G. A.  Cangelosi, K. Oh, D. Gao, K.-H. Lee, and J.-H. Chung, “Electric field-induced concentration and capture of DNA onto microtips”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 13, (2), 217~225, 2012.
  8. J.-H. Kim, W.-H. Yeo, Z. Shu, S. Soelberg, S. Inoue, D. Kalyanasundaram, J. Ludwig, C. Furlong, J. Riley, K. Weigel, G. A. Cangelosi, K. Oh, K.-H. Lee, D. Gao, and J.-H. Chung, “Immunosensor towards Low-Cost, Rapid Screening of Tuberculosis”, Lab on a chip, 12 (8), 1437~1440, 2012.
  9. H. B. Lee, K. Oh, W. H. Yeo, T. R. Lee, Y. S. Chang, J. B. Choi, K. H. Lee, J. Kramlich, J. J. Riley, Y. J. Kim, and J. H. Chung, “Enhanced bioreaction efficiency of a microfluidic mixer toward high-throughput and low-cost bioassays”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 12 (1-4), 143~156, 2012.
  10. W. K. Liu, T.R. Lee, A. M. Kopacz, H. Kim, W. Stroberg, H. B. Man, D. Ho, M.K. Kim, J.H. Chung, P. Decuzzi, “Multiscale Framework for Biomedical Simulation from Molecular Dynamics to Continuum Mechanics”, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, 5 (2), 61~80, 2011 (Invited).
  11. J. Kongthon, J. H. Chung, J. J. Riley, and S. Devasia, “Dynamics of Cilia-Based Microfluidic Devices”, Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of The ASME, 133 (5), 051012, 2011.
  12. X. Zhou, Z. Shu, W. Ding, S. Heimfeld, J. H. Chung, P. Du, C. Liu, D. Gao, “Heat transfer analysis for the design and application of the passive cooling rate controlled device-Box-in-box”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 (9-10), 2136~2143, 2011.
  13. S. K. Kim, L. Lu, J. H. Chung, K. Lee, Y. Li, and S. Jun, “A Microwire Sensor for Rapid Detection of Escherichia Coli K-12 in Fresh Produce”, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 12 (4). 617~622, 2011.
  14. T. R. Lee, K. Oh, J. H. Chung, Y. S. Chang, J. B. Choi, G. Yagawa, and Y. J. Kim, “Resonant Behavior and Microfluidic Manipulation of Silicone Cilia due to an Added Mass Effect”, Soft Matter, 7, 4325~4334, 2011.
  15. X. M. Zhou, Z. Liu, Z. Q. Shu, W. P. Ding, P. A. Du, J. H. Chung, C. Liu, S. Heimfeld, D. Gao, “A Dilution-Filtration System for Removing Cryoprotective Agents”, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of The ASME, 133(2), 021007, 2011.
  16. W. H. Yeo, D. W. Lee, K. H. Lee, Q. Guo, Y. Liu, X, You, J. A. Stamatoyannopoulos, J. H. Chung, “Ion Diffusion and DNA Stretching in Open Nanofluidic Systems”, Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2(1) 011004, 2011 (Invited).
  17. W. H. Yeo, F. L. Chou, G. Fotouhi, K. Oh, B. T. Stevens, H. Y. Tseng, D. Gao, A. Q. Shen, J. H. Chung, and K. H. Lee, “Size-selective immunofluorescence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells by capillary- and viscous forces”, Lab on a chip, 10 (22), 1561~1566, 2010.
  18. X. Zhou, F. Gao, Z. Shu, J. H. Chung, S. Heimfeld, and D. Gao, “Theoretical and Experimental Analyses of Optimal Experimental Design for Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity of Cell Membrane”, Biopreservation and Biobanking, 8 (3), 147~152, 2010.
  19. K. Oh, B. Smith, S. Devasia, J. J. Riley, J. H. Chung, “Characterization of Mixing Performance for Bio-mimetic Silicone Cilia’, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 9 (4-5): 645-655, 2010.
  20. J. Kongthon, B. Mckay, D. Iamratanakul, K. Oh, J. H. Chung, J. J. Riley, S. Devasia, “Added Mass Effect in Modeling of Cilia-Based Devices for Microfluidc Systems”,  Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 132, 2, 024501, 2010.
  21. I. Jung, J. Chung, R. Piner, J. W. Suk, R. S. Ruoff, “ Fabrication and measurement of suspended silicon carbide nanowire devices and deflection “, NANO 4(6): 351~358 2009.
  22. X. Zhou, X. Kang, Z. Shu, H. Chen, W. Ding, P. Du, D. Yadock, C. C. Liu, J. Chung, S. Heimfeld, D. Gao, “Cryopreservation of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells Using a Box-in-Box Cooling Device”, Biopreservation and Biobanking, 7(2): 107~114, 2009.
  23. W. H. Yeo, J. H. Chung, Y. Liu, and K. H. Lee, “Size specific concentration of DNA to a nanostructured tip using dielectrophoresis and capillary action”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113(31), 10849~10858, 2009.
  24. W. H. Yeo, F. L. Chou, K. Oh, J. Chung, “Hybrid Nanofibril Assembly Using an AC Electric Field and Capillary Action”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9(12), 7288~7292, 2009.
  25. K. Oh, J. H. Chung, J. J. Riley, S. Devasia, “Bio-mimetic silicone cilia for microfluid manipulation”,  Lab on a chip, 9, 1561~1566, 2009.
  26. W. H. Yeo, S. Liu, J. H. Chung, Y. Liu, and K. H. Lee, “Rapid Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Cells by Using Microtip-Based Immunoassay”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393, 1593~1600, 2009.
  27. J. G. Bai, W.-H. Yeo, J. H. Chung, “Nanostructured Biosensing Platform- Shadow Edge Lithography for High throughput nanofabrication”, Lab on a Chip, 9, 449-455, 2009.
  28. Y. Liu, K. Oh, J. G. Bai, C. Chang, W. Yeo, J. H. Chung, K. –H. Lee, W. K. Liu, “Manipulation of Nanoparticles and Biomolecules by Electric Field and Surface Tension”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197, 2156-2172, 2008.
  29. K. Oh, J. H. Chung, J. J. Riley, Y. Liu, and W. K. Liu, “Fluid Flow-Assisted Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Nanowires”, Langmuir, 23, 11932-11940, 2007.
  30. J. G. Bai, C. L. Chang, J. H. Chung, K. H. Lee, “Shadow Edge Lithography for Nanoscale Patterning and Manufacturing”, Nanotechnology, vol. 18 (40), 405307, 2007.
  31. Y. Liu, W. K. Liu, N. Patankar, T. Belytschko, A. To, J. Chung, "Immersed Electrokinetic Finite Element Method", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 71, pp. 379-405, 2007.
  32. Y. Liu, J. Chung, W. K. Liu, and R. S. Ruoff, "Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Nanowires", Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 10, pp 14098-14106, 2006.
  33. J. Chung, X. Chen, E. J. Zimney, and R. S. Ruoff, "Fabrication of Nanopores in a 100-nm Thick Si3N4 Membrane", J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. vol. 6, pp. 2175–2181, 2006.
  34. S. Lu, J. Chung, and R. S. Ruoff, “Controlled deposition of nanotubes on opposing electrodes”, Nanotechnology, vol. 16, pp. 1765–1770, 2005.
  35. J. Chung, K.-H. Lee, J. Lee, D. Troya, and G. C. Schatz, “Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Experiencing Electrical Breakdown as Gas Sensors”, Nanotechnology, vol. 15, pp. 1596-1602, 2004.
  36. J. Chung, K.-H. Lee, J. Lee, and R. S. Ruoff, “Toward Large Scale Integration of Carbon Nanotubes”, Langmuir, vol. 20, pp. 3011-3017, 2004.
  37. J. Chung and J. Lee, “Nanoscale Gap Fabrication and Integration of Carbon Nanotubes by Micromachining”, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, vol. 104(3), pp. 229–235, 2003.
  38. J. Chung, K.-H. Lee, J. Lee, “Nanoscale Gap Fabrication by Carbon Nanotube Extracted Lithography (CEL)”, Nano Letters, vol. 3(8), pp. 1029-1031, 2003.
  39. M.W. Suh, J.H. Chung, C.S. Seok, and Y.J. Kim, “Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation for ABS Based on PC”, International J. of Vehicle Design. vol.24, pp.157-170, 2000.




Patents and Patents Pending

  1. Thin Membrane Transducers, WO2004052046.
  2. Micro/nano-fabricated Glucose Sensors Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, US2005124020.
  3. Methods and Related Systems for Carbon Nanotube Deposition, US 7381316.
  4. Method and System for Concentrating Particles from a Solution, International Patent Application No. PCT/US2009/046652, WO2009149467 (June 2009).
  5. Shadow Edge Lithography for Nanoscale Patterning and manufacturing, US Patent application No. 60/916,777 (May 2008), International Patent application No. PCT/US2008/063113 (May 2008).
  6. Device and method for detecting complex formation, US Patent Application No. 12/259.154 (October 2008).
  7. Devices, Apparatus, and Methods Employing Biomimetic Cilia for Microfluidic Manipulation, Application No. US 8,778,666 B1 (August 2014).
  8. Hybrid Fibers, Devices using Hybrid Fibers, and Methods for Making Hybrid Fibers, US 8940092 B1 (January 2015).
  9. Method and System for Concentrating Particles from a Solution, 45763.02WO2 - (US 8,632,669 B2) (January 21, 2014).