Conference Registration

Welcome to the registration page for the 2019 Assuring Pediatric Nutrition in the Hospital and Community conference.
If you have any questions about the order process, please contact Beth Ogata (206)-598-1899.
If you do not receive a welcome message within 2-3 business days, please contact Beth Ogata (

Please complete the form below. Once payment is processed you will receive email confirmation of your registration.

Be sure to print the PayPal confirmation page. This will serve as your receipt.

Registration Fee, $700.00 USD
Agency Name:
Daytime Phone:
Your Practice SettingInpatient   Outpatient   Community   Other

Please list two learning objectives for this conference, and list any special dietary needs you may have:

Concurrent Sessions: Choose one topic in each time period:
Session 1: Weds, 11:25amA - Pediatric Pulmonary Nutrition B - Baby-led Weaning
Session 2: Wed, 1:25pmC - Food AllergiesD - Neurodevelopmental Disorders