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Online Course Evaluation

CS 101: Introduction to Computing

We would like to ask for your evaluation of this course to help us maintain the high quality of our educational program. Your responses are entirely confidential and will be reported only in combination with responses of other students in this course.
Please enter your student identification number. This information will be used to ensure that evaluations are submitted only by authorized students and will not be linked to your responses in any way.

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor
The course as a whole was:
The course content was:
The instructor's contribution to student learning was:
The effectiveness of the delivery format was:
Clarity of course objectives was:

Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was:
Relevance of required readings (Web sites, articles, texts, etc.) was:
Relevance of activities and assignments to module goals was:
Timeliness of instructor response to assignments was:
Quality/helpfulness of instructor feedback was:

What suggestions do you have for improving the course?