"If the traditional librarian has been conceived as a figure at home in the discreet silences and cautious dealings of a Henry James novel, now perhaps the right model will be found in James Fenimore Cooper or the Stars Wars films: something between the pathfinder Natty Bumppo and the Jedi knight." --James J. O'Donnell
Room to Read - Scholarship for Girls
ABFFE American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression
American Civil Liberties Union
American Library Association Online Customer Service Center
As We May Think by Vannevar Bush
Associated Librarians of the University of Washington
Avatars of the Word: from Papyrus to Cyberspace James J. O'Donnell's incredible voyages regarding books and libraries
Bellevue College Library Media Center
CEMA - California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives
Cal State University, Sacramento Library
Cal State University, San Francisco Library
Cal State University Stanislaus Library
CEAL Council on East Asian Libraries
Edmonds Community College Library
Ewha Women's University Library
Everett Community College Library
The Evergreen State College Library
Forest Grove City Library Catalog
Fort Vancouver Regional Library
Gonzaga University Foley Library
Harrison Memorial Library, Carmel
Harvard Divinity School Andover-Harvard Theological Library
-- Harvard Libraries Hollis full catalog
HighWire Press "the Internet Imprint of the Stanford University Libraries"
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Libraries
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library
Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Institute of Buddhist Studies Online Reading Room
Stan Iverson Memorial Library and Anarchist Archives
LeRoy Charles Merritt Humanitarian Fund
Library Directions UW Libraries
The Library of Congress American Memory "Suffering Under a Great Injustice"
Melvyl University of California Libraries
Montana State University Libraries
Multnomah County Library Fujian Exchange
National Archives and Records Administration
National Library of China - Chinese language
National Library of China - English language
National First Ladies' Library
NewJour online archive of new electronic journals
North Beach Branch, San Francisco Public Library
Odegaard Undergraduate Library Web Page
Oregon Library Association Directory of Members
Oregon Library Association Hotline
Pacific Lutheran University Library
Pacific Northwest Library Association
Portland [Oregon] Community College
Saint Martin's University Library
San Francisco Public Library, North Beach Branch
San Francisco State University Library
Santa Fe New Mexico Public Library
Seattle Central Community College Library
Seattle Pacific University Library
Seattle University Lemieux Library
Seattle University Library Unix Based Catalog (at login prompt type library )
Sherman Library and Gardens, Corona del Mar
Stan Iverson Memorial Library and Anarchist Archives
Stanford University Library High Wire Pressonline full-text journals
Stanford University Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
Roger Summit inventor of interactive database searching
Takase Studios Fine Japanese Calligraphy
Texas Tech University Libraries
Thurston County Library ("Timberland Regional")
University of British Columbia Library
University of California Berkeley Library homepage
-- University of California Libraries Melvyl Catalog
UC Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems
University of California Irvine Libraries
University of California Los Angeles Library
University of Edinburgh Library
University of Hawaii Library Catalogs
University of Hawaii Library System
-- David A. Flynn ace UH librarian/surfer/founder of SLASH - Stoked Librarians Are Surfing Hawaii
-- SLASH - Stoked Librarians Are Surfing Hawaii
-- Randy Burke Hensley ace UH librarian
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Library
University of Puget Sound Library
University of Vermont Bailey/Howe Library Reference Services
University of Washingon Information School
-- Silverfish newsletter of the ALISS students
University of Washingon Information School IUGA Informatics Undergraduate Association
University of Washington Libraries
University of Washington UWired Program
University of Washington Libraries leg@lib Page
University of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Library
Washington County Oregon Cooperative Library Services
Washington Library Association
Washington State Digital Archives
Washington State University Libraries
Western Washington University Library
-- Worcester Public Library's great Samuel Swett Green
Writers Guild Foundation Shavelson-Webb Library
"I am looking for ways in which technology may contribute to social justice, to the alleviation of differences between rich and poor, to the preservation of the earth." --Freeman J. Dyson