MG Group*********************************************************************************************************************** | Anon Hoh Rep | | Larry Gilbertson | | Mike Johnson | Chinook------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1a Bear River Mainstem Yes Bear river is fairly close there is a few bed rock trans- prot reaches below and above ?Spyder Creek Tributaries NA 1b Queets Group felt mixed view on Mainstem No Chinook Tributaries No Mixed view 1c Hoh Group felt mixed view but more Mainstem Very general - w/ the caveat ok than not. that "red" and "orange" are Tributaries aggregated. Same as comments for mainstem Not much comfidence in trib- utary designation. 1d Quillauyte Mainstem Farily good Tributaries 2a High= .6 to 1.0 >= .6 .6 and above 2b Medium= .2 to .6 Eliminate 2c Low= < .2 < .6 0.59 and below ` 3a 3b ->Temperature Fall/Winter mean flow Summer low flows a) summer mean, annual | Hoh Wetted channel / outer chan- Riparian conditions / age class variation | Tribal nel ratio Sediment / erosion b) summer maximum temp | Data Climate change ?-- flows ?-ct -> Water quality Toxicity (ph, Wetlands (more coho) but still hydrocarbons, pcb's, dioxins, useful etc.) -> discharge a) summmer low flow mainstem b) Change in summer low flow to winter high flow (a,b USGS stream Data) c)Tributary flow parameters (Hoh Tribe Data) 4a Believe north of Grays Harbor Yes North of GH / GH south systems than those systems to the south. > snowpack or glaciers > Mountains (colder)(steeper) 4b Medium High HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width / Channel Width MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP * Temperature (Agrawal et al., * Erosioni, sediment depo- 2005; Cooney and Holzer, 2007) sition potential (Benda et * Hydrologic attributes, such al., 2007; Cooney and Holzer, as 100-year peak discharge, 2007) mean annual low flow, skew of * Hydrologic attrlbutes such the flow duration curve as 100-year peak discharge, mean annual low flow, skew of the flow duration curve Coho--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a Bear River Mainstem farily close / some minor areas missing Tributaries 1b Queets Mainstem No ok Tributaries No 1c Hoh Mainstem No Tributaries No ? Lower tribs high basalt / felt these should be higher ranking is Winfield Cr. Broxdon / Nolan and other low- er tribs missing missing ?an ?seding area Taft Cr. isa seeding trib (250 redds per mile) 1d Quillauyte Mainstem Yes Fairly good (group opinion) Tributaries 2a High= Difficult...different needs for >= .6 .6 and above different life histories not 2b Medium= easily compared in "1" map. Eliminate Need 3 maps. 2c Low= 1) rearing < .6 .59 and below 2) summer rearing 3) overwinter rearing ` 3a 3b H20 temperature Winter refuge * wetlands / rearing habitat a) average * summer flows b) summer maximum c) daily change in temperature H20 discharge a) average b) summer low flow c) maximum flow d) rates of change in flow (flashiness) H20 Quality Toxicity? PCB's? Dioxins? Hydrocarbons? pH, etc... Can fish survive? Mare a Puget Sound Issue 4a Probably yes, North and South Yes Yes. GH south and north of GH of Grays Harbor should be sep- arate. 4b Medium High High HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width / Channerl Widt MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP * Downstream variation in valley confinement (Benda et al., 2007) * Tributary confluences (Benda et al., 2007} * Proportion of watershed in wetlands * Patches of habitat sur- rounding stream reach Steelheasd--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a Bear River Mainstem Yes Tributaries Yes but ?Line ?Quarry to Spyder Creek should be orange not yellow. But all in all not bad. 1b Queets Mainstem No spawning data is good, but rearing habitat is poor Tributaries no 1c Hoh Mainstem no ok Tributaries no ok but portions ok, but quite a bit is inaccurate, Joe said al- most entire river is surveyed. ?Tremendous smolt also in Braxdon Creek wetlands. Over winter habitat not documented. 1d Quillauyte Mainstem Has some problems, should be listed as higher levles. Tributaries Yellow should be orange 2a High= .6 .6 above 2b Medium= .6 to .2 ----------- 2c Low= < .2 .59 below This is not very clear, similar to Coho, we need 3 maps for diverse life histories with unique requirements 1. adult entry - holding 2. adult spawning ` 3. juvenile summer rearing 4. juvenile overwinter rearing 3a 3b Temperature Broader metrics for rearing wetlands a. average temps | Hoh habitat summer flows b. summer average | Tribal rearing habitat c. maximum temp | Data Discharge a. average flow | Hoh b. summer low flow | Tribal c. maximum flow | and d. rate of change | USGS in flow (flashiness)| Data Water Quality Toxicity? Dioxins, PCB's, pH, etc.. 4a Probably yes Grays Harbor north Yes Yes seems distinct 4b Medium High HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width / channel width MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP * Temperature (Agrawal et al., 2005; Cooney and Holzer, 2007) * Downstream variation in valley confinement (Benda et al., 2007) * Tributary confluences (Benda et al., 2007) Chum--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a Bear River Mainstem Yes Needs work :) Bear map is marked up Tributaries 1b Queets Very small run very little to just above Mainstem Very little info / data ?Selwa River Tributaries 1c Hoh N/A Not many chum in Hoh. very few hard to distinguaish Mainstem Very marginal Tributaries 1d Quillauyte abover Wilson's Hole. Mainstem very few, small run Tributaries 2a High= need more data 2b Medium= 2c Low= ` 3a 3b Nearshore habitat adjacent Temp to river. Estuary? flows Climate change climate events / floods / flows / flashiness ?Redd scour ?--ct. 4a Yes, Estuaries, Lower gradent Same as others north of GH / GH south of Grays Harbor south 4b HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP MG Group*********************************************************************************************************************** | Mike Schampf | | M Wecker | Chinook------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1a Bear River Mainstem Yes Yes Spider creek bedrock reach Tributaries Mixed, model shows no suit- Yes able habitat 1b Queets Mainstem {?yes / Clearwater) most chinook all high orange and red ?binned together Tributaries Need spawning survey to check don't see much chinook ?in ?-tribs 1c Hoh Mainstem pretty good Tributaries 1d Quillauyte Mainstem ?meaningful in comparison to Hoh, more constrained Tributaries 2a High= 0.6001 and up ?- highest Good or bad - LG no ?medium 2b Medium= ?h--- all but ?impassable ?unsuitable 2c Low= 0.6 and down ` 3a 3b See back page lower flow data - Queets seasonal flows may be more ?Limiting factor - CN important than a mean annual flow. 4a Yes, basins ?and morphologic- Yes 2 very different models ally different. North more -MJ North of Grays Harbor steep and glacial feeds. 4b High HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width / Channel Width MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP Erosion, sediment deposition potential (Benda et al., 2007; Cooney and Holzer, 2007) Coho--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a Bear River Mainstem Yes Yes Tributaries Somewhat Yes 1b Queets Mainstem Tributaries 10m - this data make compatable 1c Hoh Mainstem 100m -> 1/2 - 3 mile spawning survey Tributaries 1d Quillauyte Mainstem Dickey orange and red don't matter off channel habitat ?super moderates drainage Tributaries ?Boge -> most channel mi- gration, most coho potential 2a High= 0.6001 and up Red, or maybe yellow 2b Medium= 0.4 to 0.6 crossed out 2c Low= 0.4 and below 3a 3b See back page 4a Yes, North and South basins Yes. North of Grays Harbor are morphologically different 4b Yes HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width / Channel Width MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP * Erosion, sediment deposition potential (Benda et al., 2007; Cooney and Holzer, 2007) * Proportion of watershed in wetlands Steelheasd--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a Bear River Mainstem Yes Tributaries Yes pretty good ?spawning, some areas not well represented 1b Queets Mainstem ?munres Tributaries 1c Hoh Mainstem ?minor overwintering habitat captures spawning not ?OVR- Tributaries by steelhead juvinile use of of Coho habitat North side mainstem tribs don't look as good. But that's not right V. south side tribs. 1d Quillauyte Mainstem Tributaries 2a High= 2b Medium= 2c Low= 3a 3b 4a Yes - different drivers north of GH 4b HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Floodplain Width / channel width MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP Chum--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a Bear River Mainstem No Didn't capture any of ?mp. habitat Tributaries No 1b Queets Mainstem Tributaries 1c Hoh Mainstem Tributaries 1d Quillauyte Mainstem Tributaries 2a High= 2b Medium= 2c Low= ` 3a 3b 4a 4b HS Curve Reference ------------------ Gradient Channel Width misleading unless higher gradient N/S difference MAF 5 answer confidence Table 2 from 2008 PNAMP Table B9 from 2008 PNAMP