Centricity 3.0 Workstation New Functionality




New buttons on the worklist


  The folder button on the bottom right allows you to add rows, in increments of 50, to the worklist.  The number beside this button shows the current number of rows displayed.


  The 2 new buttons on the left allow you to mark or unmark exams confidential.  Confidential exams cannot be viewed by everyone.


  This button, on the bottom of the column of icons on the left, allows you to cancel a query. 


New Features


Keyboard Shortcuts


Hot Key Combination


Alt - A

Select all images in all active exams

Alt - B

Save for Conference

Alt - C

Displays the Copy DDP dialog box

Alt - D

Display images for the exam selected in the Worklist

Alt - E

Displays the Delete DDP dialog box

Alt - F

Open exam in Conference mode

Alt - H

Displays the Save DDP dialog box

Alt - I

Show/Hide Image Overlays

Alt - J

Show Exam as Acquired

Alt - L

Review Macro / Skip current exam in Dictation and Verification macros

Alt - M

Displays the More DDP dialog box

Alt - N

Displays Next Exam in the worklist when in the Dictation, Verification or Review macro mode

Alt - O

Log out of Centricity Workstation

Alt - P

Displays the Print Selection dialog box.

Alt - Q

Quit application

Alt - S

Save current exam

Alt - U

De-select all images in highlighted regions

Alt - W

Close current and comparison exams in the Image View Area

Alt - Y

Show/Hide user-generated ROI/annotations

Alt - Z

Show/Hide the Extend PowerScribe application.  

Note:  Only available if the Extend PowerScribe is also installed with the Centricity Workstation.

Alt - +

Magnify image 2x

Alt - -

Reduce image 2x

Alt - ;

Invert grayscale

Alt - /

Reset zoom to 1x

Alt - 0 - 9

Apply window / level preset 0 - 9 (see modality tables)

Ctrl - E

Displays the Image Export dialog box.

Ctrl - P

Toggles the Patient Jacket palette opened and closed

Ctrl - R

Toggles the Report palette opened and closed. When images are displayed, it opens the report of the active open exam (indicated with italic font).  

Ctrl - U

Toggles the Utilities palette opened and closed

Ctrl - W

Toggles the Work Modes palette opened and closed

Ctrl - Left Arrow

Shifts the position of the active palette one monitor to the left

Ctrl - Right Arrow

Shifts the position of the active palette one monitor to the right

Ctrl - Up Arrow

Shifts the active palette up by one increment

Ctrl - Down Arrow

Shifts the active palette down by one increment

Ctrl + Page Up

Shifts the active palette up by the current height of the palette

Ctrl + Page Down

Shifts the active palette down by the current height of the palette

Number Keypad

Numbers 0 - 9 mapped to Alt - 0 - 9 respectively


Launch Help


Displays the saved Favorite Desktop.


Un-verifies the active open exam (indicated with italic font).  Used to enable additional images to be sent to exam.
 This hotkey is only available when there is an active open exam (indicated with italic font).


Verifies the active open exam (indicated with italic font).  Used when all images have been sent to exam.
 This hotkey is only available when there is an active open exam (indicated with italic font).


Marks the active open exam (indicated with italic font) as Dictated.  
 This hotkey is only available when there is an active open exam (indicated with italic font).


Toggles the selected Workstation palettes (Work Modes, Patient Jacket and Report) opened and closed


Hides all the Workstation palettes

Ctrl - Alt - A

Select an Approver for a report.

Ctrl - Alt - S

Save current and comparison exams

Ctrl - Alt - W

Close all open exams

Ctrl - Alt - (Any Number 0 - 9)  

Apply defined color table to image

Ctrl and

Select multiple images (not in a range)

Shift and

Select multiple images in a range

Shift and

Activates fast scrolling through manual cine

Space bar and

Marks an image as a significant image, or if an image was a significant image, removes the significant image marker


Changes Window/Level settings of magic glass image

Shift and

Changes the magnification ration

Ctrl-Alt -

Invert grayscale of magic glass ratio

Shift -

Constrain the shape to a square

Shift -

Constrains the shape to a circle


Moves to the last page of the images

Alt - Any Tool

Changes the tool’s function temporarily to Window / Level.

Ctrl - Shift - Any Tool

Tool function propagates to all images in all displayed exams for the current patient
Up Arrow Displays the previous series
Down Arrow

Displays the next series

Left Arrow

Displays the previous single image in a series


Moves to the first page of the images

Middle Mouse Button

Performs action of standard tool allocated to middle mouse button position

Page Down

Displays the next page of the series

Page Up

Displays the previous page of the series

Right Arrow

Displays the next single image in a series


Modality Shortcuts

The shortcuts listed in the following table are specific to exams for each modality type. when you apply the shortcut, you are applying the ideal window leveling for that body part or function. You will be able to use these shortcuts while in the Image View Area.

Hot Keys






Alt - 1



Gradient Echo T2

GE Color

Body Part 1

Alt - 2


Lung Window


MID4 Mono

Body Part 2

Alt - 3


Liver Window


MID8 Mono

Body Part 3

Alt - 4

Cervical Spine

Bone Window


Hot Iron

Body Part 4

Alt - 5



MPreset 5

Tomo Mono

Body Part 5

Alt - 6


Cervical Spine

MPreset 6

Page Phase

Body Part 6

Alt - 7

CT Lumbar Spine

CT Lumbar Spine

CT Lumbar Spine

Page Color

CT Lumbar Spine

Alt - 8




Low 20 Mono


Alt - 9




Low 24 Mono


Alt - 0




Low 28 Mono
