iPhone 2.0 Upgrade

How to Connect to the AMC Exchange Server


Before you start:

Note:  Once you add an Exchange Account to your iPhone/iPod Touch your device will no longer sync with iCal on your computer.

Your iPhone / iPod Touch will only support one Exchange account.

If you have Entourage's Sync Service set up to sync to iCal on your Mac, turn it off.  In Entourage go to Entourage->Preferences->Sync Services and uncheck the iCal box.

Make sure you are running iTunes 7.7 or above.  In iTunes go to iTunes > Check for Updates.

Make sure you have iPhone 2.0 software or above installed on your iPhone or iPod Touch. With your device connected to your computer, select it in iTunes, click on the Summary tab, and click on the Check for Updates button.

Configuring your iPhone or iPod Touch:

On your device go to Settings->Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
Click Add an Account.
Click Microsoft Exchange

Put the following information in these fields:

Email: username@u.washington.edu
Username: amc\username (Your amc username, not necessarily the same as your UW email/netid username)
Password:(your amc password, not your UW email password)
Description: exchange

Click Next and wait a minute or two while the software tries to connect to the AMC Exchange Server. After it fails, it will display another field called Server - put in the following info:

Server: exchange.uwmedicine.org

Click Next and you are done.

The Calendar on your device now syncs every 15 minutes to the AMC Exchange server while your iPhone is turned on (or your iPod Touch has WiFi.)

The 'exchange' email account on your device should only be used to check for and reply to meeting invites.