
  • June 09, 2023


  • May 12, 2023

    PacTrans Participates in 2023 Lifesavers Conference

    PacTrans had two consortium partner universities participate in the 2023 Lifesavers Conference on Highway Safety Priorities in Seattle, Washington. The Lifesavers Conference showcases the latest research, evidence-based strategies, proven countermeasures, and promising new approaches for addressing the nation’s most pressing traffic safety problems and focus on the 4 Es of traffic safety: engineering, emergency response, enforcement, and education. PacTrans’ collaborator, the Northwestern Tribal Technical Assistance Program (NW TTAP) Center, was among the exhibitors, leveraging the opportunity to discuss safety challenges on Tribal roads and to network with professionals in traffic safety and Tribal transportation.

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  • April 26, 2023

    PacTrans Participates in 2023 National Mobility Summit of UTCs

    In mid-March, the Mobility21 National University Transportation Center, led by Carnegie Mellon University, hosted the fourth Annual National Mobility Summit of the US Department of Transportation University Transportation Centers. This annual event provides an opportunity for policymakers, public agencies, private industry, non-profit organizations, and UTCs focused on mobility, to come together for a day-long summit to explore the current state of many aspects of the transportation industry, current and emerging research needs, and opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

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  • December 05, 2022

    PacTrans Region 10 Transportation Conference Returns to In-Person

    After two years of virtual conferences, the PacTrans Region 10 Transportation Conference returned to in-person this past October. Co-organized by PacTrans, the Center for Safety Equity in Transportation, and the UW Mobility Innovation Center, this one-day event took place on the University of Washington, Seattle campus. With over two hundred in attendance from public agencies, private industry, and academia, the conference focuses on three goals: (1) listen to agencies and industry leaders about their views on critical regional research needs, (2) present UTC funded research to practitioners who may have need of project outputs, and (3) foster partnerships for future collaboration.

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  • November 29, 2022

    PacTrans 2021 Student Conference Recap

    In October of this year, the Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium hosted its annual Region 10 Student Conference, which attracted more than 40 participants to join in-person at University of Washington’s Seattle campus. For the first time in three years, students from universities across the region were able to meet their peers in person at this great event. This year’s program featured multiple industry talks and sought to encourage out-of-the-box thinking.

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