
  • September 22, 2014

    2014 PacTrans Student Transportation Conference on October 18th, 2014

    Registration is now open!

    PacTrans student conference 2014

    This event will attract a diverse group of 60-70 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students alike from Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Idaho, bound by a common interest in transportation engineering and planning. The theme of this year’s event is success: namely, we hope that participants will gain valuable knowledge of the skills and tools necessary to be successful in their future careers, as well as current trends in engineering, and the kinds of jobs are available for young aspiring transportation professionals. This event is free to attend for all interested students.

    Register for the conference here!

  • September 05, 2014

    Registration Now Open! 2014 PacTrans Regional Transportation Conference

    Register online for the 2014 PacTrans Regional Transportation Conference: The IOUs of Safety – Infrastructure, Operations and Users on Friday, October 17th, 2014 at Cascade Room of Haggett Hall, University of Washington.

    The PacTrans Region 10 Transportation Conference brings together the Pacific Northwest’s transportation community to network and share current research results for technology transfer and ideas for future collaboration. This year’s conference focuses on transportation safety; we will discuss research needs and developments in designing safe infrastructure, safe operations, and safe users.

    Preliminary Schedule

    8:30 AM   Welcome

    9:00 AM   Keynote Address: Naturalistic Driving Study

    10:00 AM  Brief introductions by PIs for poster session

    10:30 AM  Break

    11:00 AM  Research Session

    12:00 PM  Lunch and poster session

    1:00 PM  Workforce Development

    2:00 PM  Tech Transfer

    2:45 PM  Break

    3:00 PM  Breakout Groups

    4:30 PM  Report Back/Closing Remarks

    5:00 PM  Social Hour and Networking

    6:30 PM  End of Conference


    For more information and to register, free of cost, click here.

    Registration for the Student Conference can be found here.

  • August 25, 2014

    2014 PacTrans Regional Transportation Conference: The IOUs of Safety – Infrastructure, Operations and Users

    The 2014 PacTrans Regional Transportation Conference brings together the Pacific Northwest’s transportation community to network and share current research results for technology transfer and ideas for future collaboration. This year’s conference focuses on transportation safety; we will discuss research needs and developments in designing safe infrastructure, safe operations, and safe users. Showcasing research products completed in the 2013-2014 academic year and initiating possible technology transfer processes are important objectives of this conference. We’ll also focus on workforce development and education and how PacTrans is involved in training and identifying the transportation industry’s needs.

    The conference will start with a plenary session featuring public and private sector views of the state of transportation safety. A lunchtime poster session will include a presentation of current PacTrans research. Afternoon sessions will focus on the changing educational needs of the transportation workforce and the secrets for moving research into practice, and we’ll conclude the day with a discussion of PacTrans’ future directions. All conference attendees will have a chance to participate.

    Friday, October 17, 2014
    University of Washington – Seattle campus
    Haggett Cascade Room

    Preliminary Schedule

    8:30 AM   Welcome

    9:00 AM   Keynote Address: Naturalistic Driving Study

    10:00 AM  Brief introductions by PIs for poster session

    10:30 AM  Break

    11:00 AM  Research Session

    12:00 PM  Lunch and poster session

    1:00 PM  Workforce Development

    2:00 PM  Tech Transfer

    2:45 PM  Break

    3:00 PM  Breakout Groups

    4:30 PM  Report Back/Closing Remarks

    5:00 PM  Social Hour and Networking

    6:30 PM  End of Conference


  • June 06, 2014

    PacTrans at CUTC 2014 Summer Meeting

    This year, PacTrans participated in the CUTC 2014 Summer Meeting which was held June 2-5, 2014 at the city of Lincoln, Nebraska with over 200 attendees from different University Transportation Centers across the country.  It was a wonderful event that brought together transportation professionals, administrators and educators to talk about, discuss and share, state-of-the-art ideas and methods to advance research, education and development in the transportation field.

    CUTC2014 (4) CUTC2014 (1)

    Denise Dunn, Grants Manager, UTC OST-R with Maria Bayya, Tamara Noble and David Block

    CUTC2014 (2)CUTC2014 (3)

    Tamara Noble, University of Idaho, with, Maggie Griscavage UAF and Kathy Holeton, University of Iowa




  • January 10, 2014

    TRB Presentations by PacTrans and Region 10 Agencies

    If you plan to attend TRB this year, please take a look at the list of presentations by grad students and researchers at PacTrans consortium universities and Region 10 agencies.

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