Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Alaska Department of Fish and Game


Tom Schumacher
Southeast Regional Supervisor
ADF&G, Division of Wildlife Conservation
P.O. Box 110024
Douglas, AK  99811-0024
(907) 465-4359


Daniel Reierson
Admin Operations Manager
Alaska Department of Fish & Game
Division of Wildlife Conservation- Headquarters
Location: 1255 W. 8th St., Juneau, Alaska 99801 
Mailing: PO Box 115526, Juneau, Alaska 99811-5526
Tel: 907.465.4754

Key Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Strengths


• Outreach education program oriented toward anglers, hunters, non-consumptive users of fish and wildlife, and children
• Comprehensive Web information to agencies and the public on the condition of Southeast Alaska salmon habitat


• Substantial research programs on fish and wildlife populations, habitat use patterns, and harvest management strategies, with an emphasis on species harvested or at high risk of being listed as threatened or endangered
• Research programs monitoring the effect that the condition of roads and stream crossings have on fish habitat and a planned monitoring program for salmon habitat in Southeast Alaska
• Research program on community-based subsistence use patterns

Technical assistance

• Assistance to landowners and developers seeking to accomplish project objectives while avoiding or minimizing adverse impacts to fish/wildlife habitat in shore marine, terrestrial, and aquatic habitats
• Advice to state and federal agencies, tribal governments, and local watershed groups about habitat monitoring priorities and methods
• Assistance to the public seeking opportunities to harvest or view fish/wildlife

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game includes the Office of the Commissioner, the Boards Support Section, and six divisions: Wildlife Conservation, Sport Fish, Commercial Fisheries, Habitat, Subsistence, and Administrative Services. For more information, please see the web page for each division.

State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game website