Political Science Department masthead

Autumn Quarter 2014

From the Chair

George LovellAs the new Chair of the Department of Political Science, it is a pleasure to report news from the department to our alumni and friends. This edition of the newsletter provides information about some important achievements, the arrival of two new members of our faculty, the launch of an innovative research center, and the latest winner of our Distinguished Alumni Award.
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Announcing the Center for Environmental Politics


The Department of Political Science is pleased to announce the launch of the Center for Environmental Politics, the first research center for environmental politics in the world located in a political science department.. The founding Director of the Center is Aseem Prakash, Professor of Political Science and the Walker Family Professor for the College of Arts and Sciences. 
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Faculty Spotlight – Jeffrey Arnold &
Megan Francis


The Political Science Department is very excited to welcome two new members of our faculty this fall, Megan Francis and Jeff Arnold. 
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Distinguished Alumni Profile: Rogelio Riojas

Rogelio Riojas

The Department of Political Science presented its annual Distinguished Alumni Award to Rogelio Riojas during our 2014 Convocation Ceremony in June.  During the ceremony, Riojas spoke to the graduating political science majors about his amazing life story and his development from a student of political science to the head of a large network of public health service providers and a member of the UW Board of Regents.
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