Applications for Opto-Camp are now open! This year’s camp will run from July 13-17, 2020, and will be held on the UC Berkeley campus. Use the button below to apply.
The deadline to apply is May 15th at 11:59pm PST.
Open to all, the goal of Opto-Camp is to provide pre-health science/pre-optometry majors, especially those who are underrepresented in the profession and/or first-generation college students, with in-depth information about Optometry as a career track and to prepare attendees to be successful applicants to optometry school. Beginning 2019, we have expanded our program to accept 60 Opto-Campers!
The public health threat posed by COVID-19 may not be resolved by this summer. However, it is with optimism that we are accepting applications for this summer. Our office will be in close contact with current and prospective applicants as the situation continues to evolve. It is free to apply and should we need to cancel, full refunds will be given to students.
Learn more and apply at https://optometry.berkeley.edu/admissions/opto-camp/opto-camp-application/
Questions? Contact optometry-admissions@berkeley.edu or 510-642-9537.