We have a number of healthcare employers confirmed for our upcoming Virtual Job & Internship Fair!
They include:
- Catholic Community and Housing Services of Western Washington
- Providence Health & Human Services
- US Air Force Health Professions
- Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC)
- ProScribe
- Swedish Medical
- ZOOM+Care
- ScribeAmerica
When: Wednesday, May 13th 2020, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm PDT
Registration: vFairs event page
More information: Career & Internship Center Event Page
Whether you are an active job-seeker or simply interested in networking and learning more about an organization, we hope you take advantage of this first ever, tri-campus virtual job & internship fair.
- Complete your profile and upload your resume prior to the fair to allow employers to seek YOU out
- Conveniently browse through employer’s digital booths to view videos about their organization, learn about their culture and values, and view current job listings
- Video and text chat from your computer or tablet with representatives who are looking to hire students like you
- Explore openings to find an opportunity that matches your skills and interests. Search for jobs by title, location and company, just like job boards.
- After registering put your best foot forward by updating your LinkedIn, elevator pitch, and resume.
- Plan to dress professionally and prepare by attending a virtual job & internship fair prep session with the UW Career & Internship Center.