MEDIC Officer Application!!

Hello students,

Are you interested in exploring bioethics? Do you want to enhance your leadership skills, learn more about the intricacies of ethical dilemmas or get more involved in MEDIC? Apply to become a MEDIC officer!

We currently have a small group of MEDIC officers that will be graduating this year and we are looking for motivated, helpful and dedicated members to fill officer positions for the 2011-2012 school year. MEDIC officers are responsible for organizing and mediating our weekly meetings as well as basic administrative duties. We all work together as a team–every officer has an equal voice in our decisions. Although being a MEDIC officer is not a large time commitment and is not very demanding, reliability is extremely important.

If you would like to become one of our new 2011-2012 MEDIC officers, please fill out the anonymous application at the link below: We have asked for your student numbers instead of your names or UW NetID in order to maintain a level of fairness and equality when reviewing completed applications and selecting officers. Please note that our officer application will only be available until Tuesday, May 24th at 11pm.

Please feel free to email us with any questions about the application process or being a MEDIC officer!



MEDIC at UW University of Washington Student Organization Affiliated with Bioethics and Humanities

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