Second AMSA Meeting

Hey AMSA Members, Our second meeting is right around the corner! Come join us this Wednesday, October 23rd, as we host Dr. Gail Van Norman. We are honored to have Dr. Gail Van Norman come to speak about a variety of subjects pertinent to medicine, including anesthesiology, medical history, and bioethics. She will present several cases that simulate real-life situations, and will teach you how to analyze the issue at hand. Dr. Van Norman directs the Pre-Anesthesia Clinic and is an Anesthesiologist at the UW Medical Center. She is also an Adjunct Professor for the Bioethics and Humanities Department at UW. So listen in on a great talk and enjoy some free food! Hope to see you all there! When: Wednesday, October 23rd Time: 5:30 pm Place: Savery 130 Nitasha Sharma | Vice President of PR — American Medical Student Association University of Washington | Autumn Quarter Meetings Bimonthly on Wednesdays Savery 130 @ 5:30 pm

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