MEDIC 10/21

Hello Everyone, On Monday, October 21(Yes, it is today!) from 4:30 to 6, MEDIC will be holding a meeting in Health Sciences T-wing room 359. Shahar will be leading a discussion on International health missions and NGO work. If you have any interesting related cases or ideas share, feel free to bring them. Navigating the Health Sciences building can be tricky. Enter through the main T wing entrance, go down to the third floor, turn right, turn left at the first hallway on your left, and when that hallway tees, room 359 is just to your right. Bring your friends! Snacks will be provided! If you have any questions, feel free to email us at> and be sure to like us on Facebook at for updates about MEDIC and bioethics in the media. Hope to see you today! Jane Kwon, Annie Young, Julia Buschmann, Kaia Barth, Shahar Levari

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