Philanthropy Extravaganza

Hey Pre-Meds, It’s that time of the quarter again! Philanthropy events are now available for all AED members to participate. Keep in mind, however, that if you’ve done a volunteer event before, we have to give priority to those who haven’t had the opportunity yet. In this e-mail is a rather long list of Philanthropy events AED is making available. Skim and look for the ones you’re interested in. We’re doing something new for Philanthropy this year, which should make things a little more organized. If you’re interested in an event, check the box in the following Catalyst survey: This way, we’ll be able to keep track of all the interest/volunteering more thoroughly. Again, the list of events will be listed below. I’m also attaching a list of descriptions if that’s easier to read. Happy volunteering!! Feel free to e-mail me with any questions you might have:>. • Nick of Time o Nick of Time Foundation in partnership with the University of Washington Medical Center conduct ON-SITE heart screenings for adolescents and young adults ages 14-24. Screenings consists of a Heart Health Survey asking about possible signs & symptoms or family history of a heart condition. An ECG is performed that analyzes the electrical signals of the heart. In some cases a limited physical exam or Echocardiogram of the heart is conducted. The results are reviewed on site by cardiologists and sports physicians experienced in heart screens. o FIRST informational meeting will be: Tuesday, November 19th at 5:00pm in Savery 138 o The next heart screening will be: Wednesday, December 4, 2013- Mercer Island HS, Mercer Island (9am-4pm) o There will be morning and afternoon shifts and we will try to accommodate people’s school schedules. We can also try to work out car pools/ bus groups for anyone concerned about the commute. o Regarding any other questions; email> • NeighborCare’s Reach Out and Read o West Seattle High Point clinic is looking for volunteers to help. They are trying to gather some volunteers to interact with our young patients and help read to them while waiting for their check ups. o AED has some tentative dates set up with them which will be confirmed as soon as possible! o Volunteer forms and registration required, so once they are released, PLEASE FILL THEM OUT ASAP!! • ROOTS Youth Homeless Shelter Dinner Teams o ROOTS is a young adult homeless shelter in the U District. They’re currently looking for service groups that would be interested in signing up as a dinner meal team in shelter. o Dinner meal teams are for 4-6 people on a monthly or quarterly basis (AED will alternate members each time). Shifts are from 7:30-10:30, and involve cooking, serving, and cleaning up dinner under the supervision of an experienced ROOTS kitchen volunteer. o AED is currently setting up shifts for December to March. • ROOTS Independent Volunteering o Since we are partnering with ROOTS, we are offering Philanthropy points for members who decide to volunteer independently with the homeless shelter. More information is available here: o 10 hours of volunteering, signed by the coordinator = 1 Philanthropy event. • Treehouse o Treehouse is an organization that focuses on leveling the playing field for Foster kids. o AED will be volunteering at the Holiday Carousel downtown in Westlake Park. This is open from November 29 to January 1, and you’re invited to join our wonderful group of volunteers to help greet riders, collect donations, and sell ticket. o Sign up to volunteer here: Please email> for more information. o Also keep your eyes peeled for group opportunities to volunteer at their Wearhouse, sorting donations for foster kids. • Food Lifeline o Food Lifeline is your solution to ending hunger in Western Washington. By stocking the shelves and filling the tables of over 275 food banks, meal programs and shelters, Food Lifeline provides 81,000 meals every day to hungry children, seniors and adults. o AED has made contact with Food Lifeline to volunteer at their warehouse (and possibly at the food bank), but details are still being sorted out. o If you’re interested, mark the Catalyst survey. • Lifelong AIDS Alliance o At Lifelong, they do whatever it takes to improve the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS. Lifelong helps them access health insurance so that they can get the care they need. They cook and deliver healthy meals. Lifelong also ensures that individuals have a safe place to live. And their caring case managers help people every step of the way. o We’ve made contact with Lifelong AIDS Alliance to do group volunteering, but are still sorting out details. o If you’re interested, mark the Catalyst survey. Best, Mitchell doc icon AED-Philanthropy-11.11.13.docx
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