MAPS Weekly Opportunities

MAPS Weekly Opportunities This Week’s Events Date SWAI Film Night “Welcome to Shelbyville” Nov 20, 2013 4th Annual Pre-Health Affair Nov 21, 2013 Film Screening “Cardboard- Behind the signs of Seattle’s panhandlers” Nov 21, 2013 Treehouse Holiday Drive Present – Dec 14 – No MAPS meeting this week to allow for attendance at Pre-Health Affair! – For event details please refer to attached file [MAPS Weekly Opps Details] MAPS Related Events 1) Treehouse Holiday Drive 2) Annual Medical Education Conference Early Bird Pricing 3) 4th Annual Pre-Health Affair Internships/Work/Research 4) ADVANCE Graduate Program Assistant Opportunity 5) Math 307 Graders Wanted 6) UW Amgen Scholars Summer Program 7) Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates: India 2014 Volunteer 8) Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Project Leader Registration 9) Seattle King County Public Health Seeking Volunteers 10) Gap Medics Majors/ Academic Information Sessions 11) Business Educational Opportunity Program (BEOP) 12) School of Public Health Information Sessions 13) Thursday Architecture Information Session 14) Upcoming Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare (BASW) Information Sessions 15) Implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Washington State 16) CRITICAL VOICES: On the Front Lines – The Affordable Care Act in Diverse Communities 17) 7th Annual Higher Education Summit Scholarships & Fellowships 18) Beinecke Scholarship for Junior in Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences Fields Information Session 19) Gilman International Scholarship Program Spring 2014 20) University of Washington Retirement Association Scholarship in Aging 21) Critical Language Scholarships for Intensive Summer Institutes 22) Scholarship Search & Application Workshops Other Fun Opportunities! 23) SWIA Film Night: “Welcome to Shelbyville” [Flyer Attached] 24) Film Screening: “ Cardboard- Behind the signs of Seattle’s panhandlers” 25) Trans Health Panel Discussion in honor of Trans Awareness Week [Flyer Attached] ___________________________________________ Minority Association of Pre-Health Students University of Washington Ethnic Cultural Center "Black Room" (room 306) Seattle, WA 98105!/pages/Minority-Association-of-Pre-Health-Students-UW/208566905883654 Meetings every Thursday from 5:00pm-6:00pm in the ECC Black Room (room 306) To unsubscribe to our email list visit: doc icon SWAI-Film-Night.docx
pdf icon Trans-Health-Panel-Discussion.pdf
doc icon MAPS-Weekly-Opps-Details-Nov-18-2013.docx

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