Business in Medicine Part 2

Hello AMSA! Come join us as we hold the second part of AMSA’s two part series on Business in Medicine! UW AMSA, Delta Sigma Pi UW, Business Leaders in Healthcare and Foster Undergraduate Career Services have come together to organize a discussion panel of healthcare industry professionals from Philips Healthcare, GroupHealth, UW Medical Center, Point B Consulting and Parker, Smith & Feek. Learn about how you can help transform the business of healthcare! Come hear a panel discussion of industry professionals on: -Career opportunities for students in healthcare -Key impacts of the Affordable Care Act -Challenges in the changing healthcare industry After the panel, there will be light refreshments and chocolate fountains to be enjoyed!! When: Wednesday Nov. 20th, 6:30pm-8:30pm Where: Shansby Auditorium, Paccar Hall 192 Hope to see you there! — American Medical Student Association University of Washington | pdf icon healthcareflyer_final1.pdf

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