FYP Now Hiring: FIG Leaders and Orientation Leaders

Please help us spread the word – FIG Leader & Orientation Leader Recruitment has begun! Please share these opportunities with outstanding students whom you believe would be a great fit. More information can be found at upcoming application workshops (details below) or at www.fyp.washington.edu/apply Application Workshops & General Recruitment * Friday 1/17- FIG 3:30pm/ OL 4:00p in Mary Gates Hall, rm 120 * Tuesday 1/21- FIG 1:30pm/ OL 2:00p in Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC), rm 306 * Thursday 1/23- FIG 1:30pm/ OL 2:00p in Mary Gates Hall, rm 120 * Friday 1/24- FIG 1:30pm/ OL 2:00p in HUB, rm 141 – Commuter Commons Questions about the positions available? FIG – figs@uw.edufigs@uw.edu>, OL – uwao@uw.eduuwao@uw.edu> Thank you and Happy New Year! Ali & Natalie ~~ First Year Programs University of Washington, Seattle default iconATT00001.c

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