Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award

Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award Named for one of Seattle’s foremost civic leaders, the Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award recognizes individual students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service, provided outstanding leadership in the community, and who are committed to continued creative civic participation. The Carlson Student Leadership Award recipient will receive $2500 and be honored at the annual Spring Celebration of Service and Leadership on May 20, 2014. Eligibility In order to be eligible for the Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award, candidates must be enrolled as a junior or senior at the University of Washington during the current academic year and working toward their first baccalaureate degree. The Award is open to students from all three University of Washington campuses. Deadline and Application Instructions The application deadline for the 2014 Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award is Friday, April 11th, 2014. Interviews with finalists will occur on Tuesday, April 22nd. Details about eligibility and complete application instructions can be found on the Carlson Center’s website: http://www.washington.edu/carlson/edward-e-carlson-student-leadership-award/ If you have questions about this award, please email engage@uw.eduengage@uw.edu>, with Carlson Student Leadership Award Question in the subject line. default iconATT00001.c

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