Pre-med (and pre-health) Emergency & Wilderness Medicine Undergrad Program at the U. of Colorado

I am writing to announce the inaugural University of Colorado School of Medicine Pre-Med Emergency & Wilderness Medicine Program, designed specifically for undergraduate students interested in medical, nursing, PA, or dental school (or other related health professions). Registration is now open for three offerings of the program this summer: June 1-13; August 8-20; and August 20-September 1. The program involves a week on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus with lectures (mainly by medical school faculty), scenarios, simulation labs, emergency department shadowing, and EMS ride-alongs mainly covering general and emergency medicine and then a week at a camp in the heart of the Rockies where we’ll focus more on wilderness medicine including some lectures, lots of scenarios, and a three-day backpacking experience. Five to six full scholarships, based on need, are available for each of the sections. You can learn more about the program at, or directly register at Attached is background info that describes the program in more detail. todd Todd Miner, Ed.D., FAWM Instructor Department of Emergency Medicine, Wilderness Medicine Section University of Colorado School of Medicine 607-592-5224 doc icon Text-Pre-Med-Emergency-and-Wilderness-Medicine-1.docx

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