Upcoming UW Scholarship Deadlines

Below are six campus scholarships with deadlines due in the next two/three weeks. Please forward to students looking for funding for summer activities, special projects, for the next academic year or funding for graduate studies in the United Kingdom or Ireland. Students from all three campuses are eligible to apply. The Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards website lists upcoming Scholarships within the next 30 days from our database. This is a good resource for students to keep their eye on in that it changes each day – subtracting scholarships at the beginning of the list and/or adding scholarships at the end. http://expd.washington.edu/scholarships/search/upcoming-scholarships.html Mona Pitre-Collins Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards ________________________________ Class of 1957 Scholar Award DEADLINE: Friday, April 11, 2014, 11:45 p.m. CAMPUS APPLICATION LINK: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/scholarq/227291 The Class of 1957 Scholar Award is sponsored by the UW Alumni Class of 1957 to provide scholarship support to outstanding undergraduate students at the University of Washington. The scholarship shall be awarded to current sophomores, juniors and seniors based upon their academic merit and financial need. (Graduating seniors are not eligible unless they intend to enroll as a full-time student summer or fall quarter 2014.) Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award DEADLINE: Friday, April 11, 2014, 11:59 p.m. CAMPUS APPLICATION LINK: http://www.washington.edu/carlson/edward-e-carlson-student-leadership-award/ Named for one of Seattle’s foremost civic leaders, the Edward E. Carlson Student Leadership Award recognizes individual students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to public service, provided outstanding leadership in the community, and who are committed to continued creative civic participation. The Carlson Student Leadership Award recipient will receive $2500 and be honored at the annual Spring Celebration on May 20th, 2014. University of Washington Class of 1954 Achievement Scholarship DEADLINE: Friday, April 11, 2014, 11:45 p.m. CAMPUS APPLICATION LINK: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/scholarq/227298 Sponsored by the University of Washington Alumni Class of 1954 in honor of their 50th Class Reunion, the Class of 1954 Achievement Scholarship will be awarded to outstanding students at the University of Washington (UW) who, by their achievements and goals, enrich society and themselves. Scholarships are awarded to current UW juniors and seniors on the basis of academic merit and extra-curricular activities. Funding may be used to support activities engaged in during the Summer of 2014. Study and Research Scholarships for the UK and Ireland: Churchill, Gates Cambridge, Marshall, Mitchell and Rhodes Scholarships DEADLINE: Tuesday April 15, 2014, 11:45 p.m. CAMPUS APPLICATION LINK: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/scholarq/215046 This application provides you with an opportunity to present your qualification for the University of Washington (UW) campus nomination for the Churchill Scholarship, the Marshall Scholarship, the Mitchell Scholarship, and/or the American and Canadian Rhodes Scholarship Programs. Although the Gates Cambridge does not require you to go through a campus selection process, announcing your intent to apply will connect you with resources to assist with the development of a competitive application. Fritz Scholarship for Study Abroad DEADLINE: Thursday, April 24, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CAMPUS APPLICATION LINK: http://goglobal.washington.edu/index.php The Fritz Undergraduate Scholarship was endowed by Chester A. Fritz to provide financial assistance for students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who intend to study abroad in a program related one of these disciplines. Awards typically range between $2000-$5000. Students who are eligible to apply for the GO! and the Fritz scholarships can only receive one or the other, but are still encouraged to apply to both. GO! Scholarship for Study Abroad DEADLINE: Thursday, April 24, 2014, 5:00 p.m. CAMPUS APPLICATION LINK: http://goglobal.washington.edu/ The University of Washington is committed to increasing the diversity of students participating in programs abroad. Funded by the Washington State… Legislature, the GO! Scholarships increase access to international learning opportunities for students with significant financial need. Awards range between $2000-$5000. Students who are eligible to apply for both the GO! and the Fritz scholarships can only receive one or the other, but are still encouraged to apply to both. Students from all three UW campuses are eligible to apply. Mona Mona Pitre-Collins | Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity | 171 Mary Gates Hall | Box 352803 University of Washington | Seattle | WA 98195 | 206-221-6059 | Fax 206-685-7264 http://expd.washington.edu/scholarships/omsfa

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