AMSA Social Mixer

Come out and use the Hub’s bowling alley, ping pong tables, pool tables, and gaming room for a great discounted price! All proceeds will go to AMSA’s Relay for Life team to create more birthdays and fund cancer research. Our event is open to ANY UW student, so they don’t have to be pre-med! Admission: $6 for AMSA members $12 for non-members **Re-admission stamps will be given out** FB event: https://www.facebookcom/events/304888922996270/ Details: Thurs. May 15th, 2014 7:15 – 9:15pm in the Hub Games Area (bottom floor of the Hub) -Your AMSA Officers — Julie Do Dept. of Biochemistry ’14 Vice President of Ethics & Activities UW | American Medical Student Association (425) 458-8517>

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