Opportunity in Global Health for Undergrads — Applications Due May 22nd

Dear Undergraduate Students, We are looking to recruit several student leaders from the Global Health undergraduate community to serve as part of the Global Health Undergraduate Leadership Committee. Over the last year, we had 8 fantastic student leaders who led the minor in tremendous growth and progress. Many of these students are graduating this quarter and we are looking to recruit several capable students to join the leadership committee for the year 2014-15. Applications can be found at: https://catalyst.uw.edu/webq/survey/ghminor/237662 Applications are due Thursday, May 22nd at 5pm Why apply: * You have a chance to shape an academic program through providing feedback and support * You will network with a variety of faculty and staff in global health, both on campus and off campus * You will meet other students with similar interests in global health * You will improve your leadership skills The primary functions of the student leadership committee include: * Advise the Global Health Minor team regarding courses, events, outreach and student interests * Assist with event planning including brainstorming, logistics and on-site support for minor-related events and special projects * Identify new and creative ways for outreach such as social media (i.e., blog, update Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or community events (i.e., tabling at the MAPS conference) * Act as peer leaders fielding questions from, and providing information to, prospective and newly enrolled students Basic Eligibility Requirements: * Must have declared the minor or are intending on declaring the minor * Must be available to attend regular meetings twice a month * Must commit to the leadership position for a minimum of 1-year Students in the Global Health Undergraduate Leadership Committee act as representatives of the Global Health Minor to current and prospective students of the minor. Please note that this position requires a small time investment and the ability to be flexible with your schedule, in the form of bi-weekly meetings and attendance at minor-related events and projects. If you have any questions about the student leadership committee, please feel free to contact one of the Global Health Minor advisors at ghminor@uw.edughminor@uw.edu>. default iconATT00001.c

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