Triage & Emergency Medicine Event THIS SATURDAY!

Triage (n): the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties. Join Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Medical Honor Society for our first Triage and Emergency Medicine Event this Saturday, May 31 at 1:30 in Savery 260. If you are interested in going into medicine, you do not want to miss out on this great event! We will have a volunteer firefighter/EMT talk about what it’s like to be called to the scene of a disaster involving triage, and the basics of triage and why its so important for medical professionals, and a trauma surgeon talk about emergency medicine. We will then move outside, where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills you’ve learned acting out scenarios in groups as victims and first responders and try your hand at triage! Hope to see you there! Please check out the Facebook event page: And RSVP here: -AED Officers — Alice Chu Secretary, AED 2013-2014 President, AED 2014-2015 University of Washington 2015 BS Biochemistry, BA Chemistry

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