AUT Course: INTSCI 401 – Integrated Sciences Practicum (2 credits)

Dear Students, Are you interested in science education, science writing, science policy, or other areas that require an integrated sciences perspective? Would you like to: * Participate in service-based learning within formal or informal science education? * Explore strategies for promoting student engagement and classroom equity? * Develop your own perspectives on the integration of science, learning, and teaching? * Engage collaboratively in reflection, discussion, and presentation of practicum experiences? INTSCI 401 is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a strong interest in science education. Example practicum experiences include weekly visits to a science classroom, volunteer work at a science or natural history museum, or participation in a science education partnership with a local, regional, or national science research institution or agency. “I really appreciated learning about different teaching styles and how design elements and learning principles affect a classroom setting. It made observing and volunteering easier because I could look at the descriptions of each and observe them in the classroom. I liked seeing how science was incorporated with the learning styles and observing how students learn.” “Being able to analyze what we observe is very beneficial because if I had no one to share these observations with I would have only a narrow, one-sided view on things and wouldn’t have others’ perspectives to look at. It has opened up my understanding from all different angles.”

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