Pre-Health Students: Looking for a Last-Minute Leadership/Service Opportunity?

Academic Support Programs, which runs the Gen Studies 101 classes to help struggling students, is looking for Tutor Mentors for Winter Quarter. Tutor mentors work closely with Gen Studies 101 students to help them master academic and life skills such as organization, note-taking, and study skills. Previous Tutor Mentors have found the experience to be incredibly rewarding.

The Tutor Mentor class (EDUC 401) meets for 80 minutes on Mondays – one section at 3:30 and the other at 6pm. It’s 2 credits if you work with one Gen Studies 101 student (two 90-minute sessions per week at a time and place of your choosing) or 3 credits if you work with two.

If you’re interested, please email Ahnya Redman at ASP can waive your late registration fee.

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