Charity:Water looking for officers

charity water

Officer applications are open for Charity:Water! They are looking for 3 new officers, 1 Community Outreach chair and 2 Fundraising chairs.

Applications Due April 20 (4/20) 11:59 pm.

Apply Here:

Charity:Water UW Chapter is a new RSO that is fundraising to build wells and bring safe and clean drinking water to those in developing nations. They hope to shed light on the current water crisis and to encourage the UW community to take action towards improving this crisis. 100% of the donations go directly to funding water projects. Check out their facebook page:

Officer Positions:

Community outreach will be reaching out to our local community to promote our events and encourage others to learn about the water crisis.

Fundraising chair will coordinate creative fundraising events, raising funds to support the water projects in developing nations.

Applications are due 4/20 at 11.59 pm. Here is the link to the application:

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