Seeking volunteers: Vietnam Health Clinic

Vietnam helath clinic

Vietnam Health Clinic (VHC) is a non-profit, student-led organization dedicated to improving healthcare access and services to underprivileged populations of Vietnam, while promoting an enriching learning experience for its student volunteers.

Vietnam Health Clinic strives to broaden students’ knowledge in primary care and other healthcare fields through education, medical training, and firsthand clinical experiences. Our mobile clinic is currently focused on the following health care components: medicine, nursing, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, public health, and tentatively physical therapy. Our trip will occur over a 2-week timespan in July 2016 and will cost approximately $2500, with deposits in 4 installments. Join VHC this summer, and immerse yourself in an amazing cultural experience in the heart of Vietnam!

Our student volunteer applications opened on October 1st and will remain open until November 1st.

If you are interested in a unique cultural and medical experience, apply through the following link:

For more information, please visit and explore the FAQ or contact me directly at or

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