Food Systems Major & Nutrition Minor winter info sessions

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Interested in nutrition? Want to know more about food systems and public health? The Minor in Nutrition is a strong addition for students interested in health fields. Students pursuing the minor gain a multidisciplinary perspective of the food environment, including the interplay of food and nutrition, human behavior, business, culture, and the environment. Students access evidence-based information and become informed consumers, while also applying these skills to their main area of study.

Minor requirements can be viewed online at

The department will hold four info sessions in WIN 2019 for the Food Systems Major and Nutrition Minor in 229 Raitt Hall:

  •   Wed, January 16 at 10:30am
  •   Thurs, January 24 at 1:30pm
  •   Thurs, February 14 at 1:30pm
  •   Wed, March 6 at 2:30pm

They also hold drop-in advising in winter quarter on Mondays from 1-4pm in 229A Raitt Hall.

Please contact with any questions.  

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