EHUF 490B Native Plant Propagation – Spring 2003

Group 3 ~ Caren Crandell, Crystal Elliott, Kevin Kline,

Christer Lundstrom & Rodney Pond







What are they?


Capillary beds and wet beds serve similar functions in a restoration propagation operation. They both supply a constant and steady supply of moisture to the root zones of plants from the bottom up. This is in contrast to top-down watering such as drip or sprinkler irrigation where water must percolate through the growing medium down to the root zone.


Capillary beds are low walled enclosures lined with waterproof material and filled with a fine grained medium such as sand, mulch, pumice etc. Water is supplied through drip irrigation, soaker hose or some other water delivery system laid at the bottom of the bed beneath the medium. Plants are placed in pots with bottom holes into the medium and the water travels via capillary action up through the medium and into the potted plants via the bottom holes. Bare root plants can also be placed directly into the media. The primary use for capillary beds in restoration operations is to support plants needing constant moisture (but not saturation) whether they are recently salvaged or greenhouse grown. Capillary beds are especially useful for reducing water stress associated with salvaged plants that have lost a goodly portion of their root systems.


Wet beds are also low walled enclosures lined with water proof material. In general they are not filled with media but rather with a constant level of water and therefore are used almost exclusively to hold and propagate wetland plants, especially obligate wetland plants. The plants may be held in containers with media in the wet bed or a limited amount of rooting media may be placed in the bed for larger scale propagation. Floating aquatic plants can merely be allowed to cover the surface of a bed without a container.


What are the advantages of capillary and wet beds?


Certainly the clear advantage for both of these systems is the passive, low-tech, low cost approach to supplying an efficient, constant source of moisture to plants as they need it. A variety of recycled (and recyclable) materials can be used to construct these beds and they can be made to be moved as needed fairly simply.


What are the disadvantages of capillary and wet beds?


For many plants they are too consistently wet. Capillary and especially wet beds really do their best for plants preferring moist soils. Plants requiring complete drainage between waterings would not do well in either system. In capillary beds, plants not adapted to constant moisture may benefit immediately after salvaging as a water stress reducing technique or for temporary holding of harvested bare root material immediately prior to installation. However any plant prone to root rot should not be held in a capillary or wet bed for extended periods of time. It had been noted that mulch as a capillary medium may promote root rot more so than other media.


                                    Cost?             Operation?      Flexibility?     Low-tech?

Capillary bed

Low, can be easily made from mostly recycled materials

Easy, simple design and maintenance

Limited, moisture tolerant plants only

Yes,  few basic parts, electricity optional

Wet bed

Low, can be easily made from mostly recycled materials

Easy, simple design and maintenance

Limited, wetland emergents and aquatic plants only

Yes, few basic parts, electricity optional

Top-down irrigation

High, requires almost all new materials

More complex design and many parts to maintain

Broad, serves a variety of plant moisture regimes with more precision

Often not, many complex parts, reliance on electrical power



The why and how of capillary beds

Capillary beds are an efficient water delivery technique for containerized plants, and a good alternative to overhead watering.  The philosophy behind the design of these beds is that water will by way of capillary action move through the pores between the particles of a medium such as sand, mulch or sawdust. Water is added to the bed at a regulated level, and is subsequently drawn-up and distributed to drier areas of the bed, promoting uniform water availability and allowing containerized plants in all areas of the bed to be watered evenly.  Both the frame and the medium in the bed should be level in order to ensure the uniform distribution of water.


The capillary bed design we developed consists of a re-bar reinforced treated-wood frame lined with a triple-layer of 6 mil plastic sheeting over a thin cushioning layer of sand. The bed is then filled with 6” of sand (or another medium), along with a self-regulating water distribution system such as a drip line irrigation with a timer valve. A latching hinged section at one end of the bed allows for easy removal of the medium and cleaning of the bed liner. At the opposite end is a drain pipe with a valve to allow for winter drainage and for cleaning. With careful construction, this design will require minimum maintenance after set-up.

Advantages to capillary beds as opposed to overhead watering are many. Capillary beds exhibit much higher water use efficiency, reducing usage by 50-70%.  Also, since capillary beds are closed systems for the most part, there is no run-off, meaning that fertilizers won’t be washed away and be lost to the plants as well as polluting water bodies.  Since plants are being watered from the bottom up, the surface soil does not have high water content, thus reducing the occurrence of opportunistic weeds.  Also, eliminating overhead water spray reduces occurrence of disease-causing fungi that thrive under moist conditions, such as molds and mildews.  And finally, as mentioned before, they require little maintenance when set-up properly.

Although capillary beds have many positive characteristics, there are some limitations to this watering technique.  These include a large initial financial investment that can be offset by the use of recycled materials, even though the long term costs are lower than overhead watering.  Also, capillary beds can not support plants in containers greater than two gallons because the strength of the capillary rise is not sufficient to deliver adequate water.  In addition, salts can build up on the surface of the soil in containers during the hot part of the year (especially if the water source is high in salts), and must be rinsed and dissolved using overhead watering.

How much does a typical low-tech capillary bed cost?


As seen from the cost estimates below, the construction of a new capillary bed with drip line irrigation as specified in the design schematic above prices out at just over $300 for new materials. Substituting recycled materials for any of the components below would bring the cost down considerably. Just replacing the new lumber with recycled would drop the costs by $60. Simpler water supply systems such as soaker hose or a sump at one end of the bed with a float valve could bring the cost down another $100.


Capillary Bed (30' x 4' x 8")







Wood frame

2" x 8" x 8' pressure treated lumber #2 fir





2" x 8" x 10' pressure treated lumber #2 fir





Galvanized 3” x 4”




Slide latches





Simpson L70 reinforcing angle





Simpson TP-37 Tie Plate




Wood screws

#14 galvanized, 50/box





0.5" x 2'




Liner clips

Heavy duty 2” binder clips 12/box




Drain pipe

½” 1’ length




Pipe valve

Brass ½”





#8, hot-dipped galvanized nails


1 lb



#16, hot-dipped galvanized nails


1 lb


plastic sheeting

6 mil black 6’ x 100’ roll





screened sand




Total Cost






Capillary irrigation system




Unit Price


digital battery timer valve



female hose beginning



¾” pipe tee



¾” pipe elbow



¾” male hose end w/cap



 100’ - ¼” drip line 6” emitter spacing



hose end “y” filter 155 mesh



pressure regulator 20 PSI



50’ - ¾” mainline tubing






The how and why of wet beds

Wet beds most typically are used to propagate and hold wetland emergents and aquatic plants. The design of wet beds can of course vary with the demands of the situation. Most wet beds are simpler versions of capillary beds; a wood frame lined with plastic and filled with water. The basic operating principle of wet beds is to maintain a certain water depth that promotes good plant growth. Plants can either be in containers with media and submerged, free-floating in the case of aquatic plants or the entire bed can have a layer of growing media and planted. The King County, Washington Conservation district incorporates the following design features and concerns:



Wet beds built with recycled wood (Trex®) and plastic sheeting over a bed of gravel.


Half of each bed dedicated to a different species, the watering conditions for which can be varied.


Beds lined with 3 layers of 6 mil plastic.  Thicker liners are commercially available but would be more costly to repair and/or replace.  Liners can last from 1 to 3 years.  Degradation results from UV-light exposure and mice, which chew through the liner as they build nests.  


Irrigation for each bed regulated with a manually operated valve.  In the summer months, beds must be filled every other day.


Plant grown in pots, which can be elevated if necessary with upside down flats or trays.  Pressure on the liner is also thereby reduced.


Seedlings started in multi-sectioned trays that are positioned flush with the surface of the water. 


Food-grade barrels cut in half serve as small wet beds.



This wet bed design is essentially the capillary bed design sans capillary medium. It also consists of a re-bar reinforced treated-wood frame lined with a triple-layer of 6 mil plastic sheeting over a thin cushioning layer of sand. The bed is then filled with 6” water with a self-regulating water supply system in the form of a simple toilet float valve. As the water level drops below a certain level the float valve opens refilling the bed back to the original volume. Another added improvement is the use of a large fish tank type aerator to oxygenate the water sufficiently for good root growth and to keep algal growth down. A latching hinged section at one end of the bed allows for easy cleaning of the bed liner. At the opposite end is a drain pipe with a valve to allow for winter drainage and for cleaning. With careful construction, this design will also require minimum maintenance after set-up.


How much does a typical low-tech wet bed cost?

Since the wet bed in this example is really just a pared down version of the capillary bed (minus sand and drip line irrigation), it is far less expensive, just under $200. Again using recycled components could make this standard wet bed much, much cheaper, potentially for $100 or less.


Wet Bed (30' x 4' x 8")







Wood frame

2" x 8" x 8' pressure treated lumber #2 fir





2" x 8" x 10' pressure treated lumber #2 fir





Galvanized 3” x 4”




Slide latches





Simpson L70 reinforcing angle





Simpson TP-37 Tie Plate




Wood screws

#14 galvanized, 50/box





0.5" x 2'




Liner clips

Heavy duty 2” binder clips 12/box




Drain pipe

½” 1’ length




Pipe valve

Brass ½”




Float valve assembly

Valve & float





#8, hot-dipped galvanized nails


1 lb



#16, hot-dipped galvanized nails


1 lb


plastic sheeting

6 mil black 6’ x 100’ roll





Aquarium air pump





screened sand




Total Cost






Restoration applications for capillary and wet beds



Both capillary and wet beds are important native plant propagation tools. Both systems can be used to germinate seed in flats, root cuttings and hold potted-up plants from the green house. Both systems also have the capacity to function as temporary holding areas for recently harvested bare root and salvaged plants to avoid water loss stress associated with root loss and damage.  And finally both systems have the flexibility to accommodate all these functions simultaneously, if necessary.










Often temporary on-site holding or even propagation facilities are needed, especially with large restoration projects and in harsh climates. The simplicity of the wet and capillary bed design translates easily to a smaller scale and often recycled containers such as 55 gallon food grade plastic drums cut length-wise (see photo below) or ‘kiddie’ wading pools can be modified to suit on-site needs.


How do I keep critters from eating my plants?


Herbivory is a major concern for all plant propagators. In the Pacific Northwest, crows and Canada geese are the two main culprits that wreck propagation operations. Crows, either out of sheer malice or in search of worms or other invertebrates, are notorious for uprooting plants and flinging pots. Canada geese are voracious grazers who gravitate to high nutrient fresh growth on green house raised plants. Fortunately deterrence can be had cheaply and effectively with a simple PVC cage shaped frame and netting.  






How much does it cost for your basic herbivore exclusion structure?


A basic PVC pipe structure to support protective netting or even shade cloth costs just under $65 and would be well worth the investment given the potential losses from herbivory.


Herbivore Deterrent Cage (30' x 3' x 4')







PVC pipe

1" x 10' plain end PVC SCH-40 pipe by Silverline




PVC fittings

3 way L-1 inch Fittings





4 way LT-1 inch Fittings





protective mesh covering, black, 14' x 45'













Agri-Supply agricultural & horticultural suppliers:


Dripworks Irrigation:


Home Depot: http://www,


King County Native Plant Salvage:


Marine & Reef aquarium supply:


UK Department of Agriculture and Rural Development ~ Northern Ireland

David Kerr ~ Ornamental Crops Adviser:


University of Maryland Cooperative Extension: