Plant Data Sheet


Species: Angelica genuflexa 
Commonly called Kneeling Angelica





Angelica genuflexa is found in North America from Alaska south to northern California, west of the Cascade range in the United States, and west of the Selkirk Mountains in British Columbia.


Climate, elevation

This particular species is found west of Cascades below 2500’ft.


Local occurrence

Found in wet locations particularly bogs. It is a rare species in Washington, found more commonly in British Columbia.


Habitat preferences

Kneeling angelica may be found in moist soils such as along stream banks, in wet meadows, marshes and at the base of waterfalls


Plant strategy type/successional stage (stress-tolerator, competitor, weedy/colonizer, seral, late successional)


Associated species

Kneeling Angelical is found in Boreal White and Black Spruce Forests. It is also found in both coastal and interior Western Hemlock and Douglas fir forests.


May be collected as

This species may be collected as seeds. No other information available.


Seed germination

Seeds need 3-6month stratification prior to planting. Seeds also require light in order to germinate.


Seed life

Seeds should be planted out immediately in order to stratify then germinate in the spring.

Recommended seed storage conditions

Seeds can not be stored.


Propagation recommendations

The only information available currently is propagation from seed.


Installation form

Recommend installation be in the form of seeds planted out in the fall. 


Care requirements after installed

This species requires moist to wet site. It is recommended that the seeds be planted out in the fall in an appropriate location.


Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan

Kneeling Angelica is a perennial.


Sources cited

Flora of Mt Rainier by Dave Biek

Vascular Plants of British Columbia by Roy Taylor and Bruce MacBryde

Forest Plant Associations of Olympic National Forest


Data compiled by (student name and date)

Nancy Toenyan May 24, 2006