Lomatium nudicaule(Pursh) C. & R.

Naked desert parsley, Indian Celery

Image © 2004, Ben Legler

Range:  It grows on both sides of the Cascade Mountains from southwest Canada into California and Utah.

Climate, elevation: Plants are frost hardy. Low to moderate elevations

Local occurrence (where, how common): Common

Habitat preferences: Dry, sunny sites.  Dry open or lightly wooded areas. Mixed pine-oak woodland-chaparral


Plant strategy type/successional stage: A deciduous perennial.  This plant is self fertile and has hermaphrodite flowers and is pollinated by insects.

Associated Species:  Ceanothus cuneatus, Amelanchier alnifolia, Rhus diversiloba, Arctostaphylos viscida, Salix lasiolepis, Rosa gymnocarpa, Fraxinus latifolius,Danthonia californica, Lomatium nudicaule, Sidalcea malvaeflora, Festuca californica, Poa secunda, Chlorogalum pomeridianum

May be collected as: Seeds

Collection restrictions or guidelines: Collect seed/fruits immediately prior to or when fruit is completely ripe and dry on plant from mid-spring to mid summer

Seed germination:  Best sown as soon as it is ripe in a cold frame.

Seed life: Stored seed can be rather slow to germinate.

Recommended seed storage conditions: Sow fresh

Propagation recommendations: Stored seed can take up to 12 months to germinate.  Giving it a period of cold stratification reduces this time significantly.  The seedlings need to be pricked out into individual pots as soon as they are large enough to handle, and should be planted out into their permanent positions in the summer.  Note: Better growth may be obtained during the first year by avoiding transplanting and direct sowing into larger pots. Division may be possible in spring or autumn.

Soil or medium requirements:  Perfect drainage.  Nutrients can range from sterile to fertile.  Recommended potting mix: approximately 1:1:1:2 sand:pumice:peat moss:fir bark mixture.

Installation form: Containers or plugs

Recommended planting density:  Sparse, does not naturally form dense stands

Care requirements after installed: Very slow to establish.  Initial watering may be necessary but excessive watering encourages fungal growth

Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan: 5 months active growing period.  Long period of dormancy.  Perennial clumper, slow to spread

Sources cited:

Jacobson, Athur lee, Indian Celery in Seattle Tilth newsletter, 1989, http://www.arthurleej.com/a-indiancelery.html, (Accessed 5/9/06)


Permaculture Information Web, http://permaculture.info/cgi-bin/eden?search=Lomatium+nudicaule, last updated  9/12/2004, (Accessed 5/9/06)


Plants for a Future, Rich Morris 2004, England and Wales, http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants (Accessed May 7, 2006)

USDA, PLANTS database. http://plants.usda.gov (Accessed 5/9/06)

Washington State Department of Natural Resources, http://www.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/communities/pdf/fero-seri.pdf.  (Accessed 5/7/06)

Data compiled by: Sierra Smith 5/9/06