Oenanthe sarmentosa- water-parsley


Range: British Columbia south to California and east to Idaho. (Young, 2001)


Climate, elevation: Found in low to middle elevations. (Pojar, 1995)


Local occurrence: Common throughout range. (Pojar, 1995)  


Habitat preferences: In wet soils, along streams and marshes. (Pojar, 1995)


Plant strategy type/successional stage: Tolerates sun or shade, can spread vegetatively. (Jacobson, 2001)


Associated species:  Found growing with Typha latifolia and Lysichiton americanum. (Guard, 1995)


May be collected as: seed (Young, 2001), or vegetative cutting. 


Collection restrictions or guidelines:  Blooms mid June to August. (Guard, 1995) Collect seeds between August and September when flowers are mature and brown in color. (Young, 2001)


Seed germination:  Soak for 24hrs and follow with 21-30 days of cold stratification.  Seeds will germinate within 30 days.  Average germination rate is 50%. (Young, 2001)


Seed life: Not specified


Recommended seed storage conditions:  Keep moist and store in refrigerator. (Young, 2001) 


Propagation recommendations: Propagation by seeding is recommended.(Young, 2001)  Cuttings of rooted nodes may be transplanted. 


Soil or medium requirements:  Use standard potting mix, lightly cover seeds. (Young, 2001)


Installation form: Not specified


Recommended planting density: Not specified


Care requirements after installed: Not specified


Normal rate of growth or spread: Semi-aquatic perennial (Jacobson, 2001) rapidly produces considerable above ground biomass.  Stems may grow to over 3ft. (Spear  Cooke, 1997)


Sources cited:


Jacobson, A.L. (2001).  Wild Plants of Greater Seattle. Aurthur Lee Jacobson, Seattle WA


Pojar, J., MacKinnon, A. (1994).  Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Lone Pine Publishing Vancouver British Columbia.


Spear Cooke, S. (1997). A Field Guide to the Common Wetland Plants of Western Washington & Northern Oregon.  Seattle Audubon Society. Seattle, WA.


Young, Betty. (2001). Propagation protocol for production of container Oenanthe sarmentosa Presl. plants; Golden Gate National Parks, San Francisco, California. In: Native Plant Network. URL: http://www.nativeplantnetwork.org (accessed 21 April 2004). Moscow (ID): University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Forest Research Nursery.


Photo on far left retrieved from http://www.calflora.net/bloomingplants/pacificoenanthe.html Taken by Michael L. Charters.


Other photos taken by Jennifer Boardman



Data compiled by:  Jennifer Boardman  04/21/04